That’s why it is best to approach this matter carefully, so as not to come off too controlling or crazy. Help your significant other make the best choice by tactically approaching this matter and offering some (not-so-subtle) hints.
Research your options together
One of the best ways to ensure that you get the engagement ring you’ve always wanted is to simply show it to your partner. But don’t just simply show them the ring you’ve already chosen. Instead, talk to your partner and see if they would be interested in doing some joint research. That way you can both explore various options out there, while you will get the opportunity to drop hints whenever you come across something you like. Since you are starting your life together, you can also read this cost guide and settle on a budget you both feel comfortable with. This way both of you will get a better picture of what’s out there and what are your options when it comes to choosing the right engagement ring.
Show pictures of your preferred style
On the other hand, if you don’t want to go with such a direct approach, you can always take a more subtle route. For instance, if you’ve already talked about the proposal and you know that it is coming, you can start putting together a proposal scrapbook. Here, you can print out various pictures of engagement rings that fit your style. Then, simply leave your scrapbook somewhere where your partner will surely find it a hope that they take the hint. Alternatively, you can always “accidentally” stay logged in on Pinterest on your joint computer, right on the page where you pinned all the engagement rings you really like.
Ask a friend to help you out
The next option is to rely on either your or their best friend. Talk to a friend you know will be willing to help both of you out and ask them for a bit of help. You can either suggest to your partner to ask the friend in question if they ever need help. Or you can simply ask your friend to get involved directly and simply offer help to your partner. Chances are neither of them will deny.
Learn to trust your partner
In the end, we can sometimes be a bit too controlling without even realizing it. Since your partner obviously loves you, chances are that they know more about you than you may think. So, it may be a good idea to simply let go and allow your partner to surprise you. Tell your partner that the ball is entirely in their court when it comes to choosing the right engagement ring. Let go of any control and simply allow yourself to be surprised. Chances are you’ll end up loving the ring you receive even more than the one you might have picked out yourself.
Engagements are beautiful but people sometimes make them into a bigger deal than they actually are. If you end up stressing too much about it you can easily forget to enjoy this wonderful part of your life. So, maybe just try to relax and let go and trust us, everything will turn out great in the end.
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