April Empties / Products I've Used Up

Sunday, 3 May 2015

A little later than usual but better late than never right?  Here are my April Empties, all the products that I managed to use up last month, my thoughts on them and what I'll be repurchasing in the future.

Weleda Sea Buckthorn Hand Cream
I absolutely love the scent of the Sea Buckthorn range from Weleda and this was a fantastic hand cream.  Very hydrating and just perfect for everyday.  Repurchase? Will do in the near future once I've used up some others first.

Naked Detox 2 in 1 Shampoo & Conditioner
This is one of the best budget SLS free detoxing shampoos I've come across so far.  I use it only once or twice a month to remove any product buildup from my hair and it feels so refreshing too thanks to the peppermint essential oils.  I think this is my third or fourth bottle!  Repurchase?  Yes.

Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment
Just a mini that I had in my travel bag and it lasted such a long time.  Another firm favourite of mine, it's great for helping to restore damaged and frazzled hair, as well as taming everyday frizz.  Repurchase?  Already have a big bottle on the go.

Jurlique Rose Body Oil*
This was Limited Edition from Christmas time so I'm very sad to see this empty!  I reserved it for special occasions mostly and for very indulgent pampering sessions as it's quite pricey but absolutely gorgeous.  I love the delicate rose scent too. Repurchase?  I have a standard sized bottle in my bathroom because I love it so much!

bareMinerals SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen*
If you hate greasy/sticky liquid sunscreens, then you should check this out as it's a sunscreen in a mineral powder form.  Comes with an inbuilt brush so you can just dust it all over your face and you're good to go.  Great stuff.  Repurchase?  Yes.

Jurlique Rose Moisture Plus Moisturising Cleanser*
Whenever my skin is feeling a bit sensitive, I find hydrating cleansers can help to calm it down and this did the job perfectly.  It's a little too moisturising for me to use everyday but for those troublesome skin days, it was brilliant.  Repurchase?  Possibly after I've used up some other cleansers.

Heal Gel Intensive*
My second bottle and another that I'm very sad to see used up as it's expensive but amazing.  This was great for healing any marks or scars left behind from breakouts, reducing redness, getting rid of any dry patches (great for eczema flareups) and was an excellent primer too.  I can't recommend it enough. Repurchase?  Yes.

Bumble & Bumble Thickening Hairspray
I believe I picked this up as a magazine freebie ages ago.  I liked using it and it gave my hair a little more volume and hold which was ideal for up-dos and nights out. Only downside I experienced was that it did leave some residue and build up the next day.  Repurchase?  Not sure.

What beauty products have you used up recently?

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  1. I love empties posts! The only product I've tried from your empties is the bumble and bumble thickening hairspray, I received it in a magazine ages ago too. It left my hair feeling so sticky and dirty :( x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x

    1. Me too, they're my favourite posts to read! I got a lot of stickiness from the Bumble & Bumble hairspray the next day but it didn't feel so bad when I first applied it - it's a funny product :( x

  2. I like Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment it's been in my hair routine for quite some time. Haven't tried any Jurlique products yet I need to add them to my wishlist.


    1. I've been using Macadamia's oil for a long time too, I love how a little goes a long way with it as well! I'm a big fan of Jurlique as you can see so would definitely recommend them x

  3. I've been using a mini of HealGel Intensive I got with a Space NK order, and it's worked brilliantly on a stubborn patch of dryness on my nose that nothing else got rid of!! I haven't been using it all over as it feels too silicone-y for me, but just applying where needed xx

    Ramblings of a Beauty Bird | Beauty Blog

    1. I generally used it on certain areas too (mostly though because it's so expensive!) - it's so good :) xx

  4. Lot's of nice products in your empties, I am a fan of that Jurlique cleanser Xx

    1. Thanks Ana, it's got a lovely texture and scent to it :) xx

  5. Oh I love that Naked shampoo :) Naked is getting a little bit tricky to find lately, but the Boots home brand build up remover is great for serious build up, it's so strong!

    Dannie x

    1. I buy them online but agree, they seem to not be so readily available in the shops anymore :( Will have to check out the Boots one, sounds good! x

  6. I love the Naked Detox shampoo too, this has reminded me to dig it out and use it! I love the sound of the Bare Minerals sunscreen, I need to buy one soon and it sounds ideal :) xx



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