Battle of the Detangling Hair Brushes! The Wet Brush vs AirMotion Pro Hairbrush vs Tangle Teezer review

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The Wet Brush vs Air Motion Pro Hairbrush vs Tangle Teezer review
Unruly hair used to be the bane of my life until I met these three detangling hairbrushes, but which one is the best?  Let the battle commence!

The Wet Brush review
The Wet Brush review
 Contender Number 1 -The Wet Brush* (£5.99, link)

The Wet Brush is apparently the bestselling hairbrush in Northern America and I know that it's been on my personal 'to try' list ever since I saw Guy Tang rave about it in one of his Youtube videos (and Guy, on the incredibly slim chance that you see this, come do my hair, yeah?!).  This brush doesn't look all that special at first and it reminds me of something that my mum used to use on my messy locks when I was very young.  But its simple looks are definitely deceiving - this brush features 'Intelliflex' bristles which, to you and me, mean ultra flexible bristles that are thin yet strong. Each one of these bristles is 'double dipped' at the end with Soft Tips which are guaranteed not to fall off.

The Wet Brush is comfortable to both hold and use; the bristles brush effortlessly through my hair and if they do meet a knot, they take care of it with minimal pulling.  Great to use on both wet and dry hair, available in a range of colours and the price is fantastic too.
AirMotion Pro Hairbrush review
AirMotion Pro Hairbrush review
 Contender Number 2 - AirMotion Pro Hairbrush* (£11.95, link)

If Audi made hair brushes, I have a feeling they would have made the AirMotion Pro.  This brush is a newbie on the beauty scene and is the invention of the renowned hair artist, Grange Snell, who has worked for over 27 years in the hair and beauty industry.  With credentials like that, it comes as no surprise that this brush looks very different to anything else I've seen on the market.  It features a 'Tri-Bristle configuration' which means it has three different lengths and diameters of bristles, and the handle has been ergonomically created to fit perfectly in even the smallest of hands.  On top of this, it features a unique 'Air Shock' absorption technology which reduces the stress of brushing on your hair.  Impressive!

I was very sceptical when I first opened this up - the amount of trademarks and the science sounding terminology seemed a little gimmicky but it actually does live up to each and every claim it makes which is pretty damn remarkable.  It very easy to hold this brush as it has a rubberised grip so would be perfect to use in the shower and the bristles just glide through even the most tangled or knotted hair.  I noticed a lot less breakage in general when I used this so it must be doing something right.     
Tangle Teezer review
Tangle Teezer review
Contender Number 3 - Tangle Teezer (£10.20, link)

Ah Tangle Teezer - the 'original' detangling brush and something that I coveted for a long time before taking the plunge and purchasing one.  Tangle Teezer features two different lengths of 'teeth' which are fully flexible and move with the shape of your head so they put less stress on it and they detangle the hair quickly without any need to tug or pull.  There's no handle here which some may love or hate - it took me a little while to get used to it at first but I soon found it quite normal using it everyday. As the brush is made out of plastic, it's very easy to clean and like the others, can quite happily be used in the shower on wet hair.  This has been my Holy Grail brush for quite a few years now but is it still?!

And the winner is...the Air Motion Pro Hairbrush!  It was a very close call as all three brushes are fantastic but there has to be a winner and Air Motion Pro pipped the others to the post.  The standout reason is because I saw a noticeable reduction in breakage which is something that I haven't experienced before simply by using a hairbrush.  Move over Tangle Teezer, there's a new king of the hairbrushes in town!

Have you tried any of these?  
What's your favourite detangling hairbrush?

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  1. I've only tried The Wet Brush out of these but I absolutely love it! xx

    Ramblings of a Beauty Bird | Beauty Blog

  2. I haven't tried the airmotion but I much prefer the wet brush to the tangle teezer - it does a much more thorough job detangling hair xx

    Ioanna |

    1. I'm seriously impressed by The Wet Brush - such great value for money too! xx

  3. I really need to get a new brush, I love the sound of the Air Motion Pro! It's great to read comparisons of the three brushes because these are the ones which always get mentioned in the blogosphere - lovely post :) xx


    1. Keep an eye out next week, I'll be giving one away! :) xx

  4. I use Tangle Teezer and love it, but now I am wondering if I would like the other more! :)

    Isa M., Tic Tac Living

  5. Whaaatt, something beat the Tangle Teezer? :O

    Dannie x

  6. I've wanted a tangle teezer for ages but mostly because they do sparkly ones and apparently that's my main goal in life, to own as much sparkly stuff as possible? :D
    I do have a wet brush I recently got it in the Look Fantastic March box and it's my first foray into detangling brushes. I was quite impressed at how gentle it feels.
    Never heard of Airmotion Pro brushes before though. I'm intrigued.

    1. Haha I know that sparkly feeling! The Wet Brush is also fantastic, such good value for money too. I have a giveaway to win an AirMotion Pro brush at the moment :)


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