Tried & Tested: Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White Black Toothpaste review

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Well here's a first for the blog - I don't think I've ever reviewed a toothpaste before, but I couldn't resist passing by this unusual 'black' one from Beverly Hills Formula.  Can you tell I'm in the mood for Halloween?

Toothpaste is one of those everyday products that we all use and there are probably hundreds of different varieties out there.  Truth be told, I usually switch up brands and choose whatever whitening one is on offer at the supermarket as it's just something I find difficult to get excited about.  However, when I came across this black toothpaste from Beverly Hills Formula, curiosity got the better of me and I just had to try it out.

Formulated with Activated Charcoal Powder which gives it the black colouring, this toothpaste does everything my regular toothpastes do.  It removes everyday stains, it's low abrasive and it has a strong mint flavour that keeps bad breath at bay.  I haven't noticed any difference in the whiteness of my teeth yet, though it may be too early to say after only using it for a few weeks.  I'll update this post if I see any changes, but for now, I'll just enjoy the novelty of it.

Beverly Hills Formula Perfect White Black Toothpaste* is currently half-price in Superdrug at £2.45 for 100ml.

Have you ever tried a black toothpaste?

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  1. Black toothpaste, that sure does sound interesing! I have tried various whitening toothpastes but none of them seemed to work for me.. I just posted a review about Smile Brilliant teeth whitenign set, now thát works for me:D Wanna check it out? There's a giveaway!
    Discover my Stylish Confessions! ♥


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