The Holy Grail: Nuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm review

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

It seems strange for me to be writing about such heavy duty lip balm whilst it's currently 22C outside, but what the hell, I fancy joining in with the blogger hype on this one!

I've wanted this lip balm for such a long time and forced myself not to buy it until I had used up some others in my stash first.  Now given that I'm a serial lip balm junkie/hoarder, this was no easy task and I've come to realise that it takes me on average 6-7 months to use up a full pot or stick of ONE lip balm!  However, the day finally came and I even took advantage of picking it up whilst it was in the last Escentual sale.

So was it worth the wait?  Oh yes!  The Nuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm is everything I wanted it to be and more.  It's buttery thick (has ingredients such as Honey, Shea Butter, Calendula and Almond Oil in it), smells and tastes great (sort of sweet and citrusy) and moisturises my notoriously dry lips like no other lip balm I've used before.  I usually apply a small amount before going to bed every night and my lips are incredibly soft and smooth like magic when I wake up.  The lip balm itself goes on rather matte without any gloss or shine, so it's a good match for using underneath products like matte lipsticks during the day as well.

As you can see from the photo, I've created a dip in the pot already but I have been using it since the end of March on an almost daily basis, so I imagine it will last for many more months to come.  I seriously can't recommend this enough and needless to say, it's gone straight onto my Holy Grail list!

Nuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm (15ml, £9.50) is available from various stockists including Space NK.

Have you tried this?
What's your holy grail lip balm?

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  1. Surprisingly this is the first review of this product I've come across, but it does sound brilliant!

    I totally know what you mean about being a lip balm hoarder! I don't think I've ever finished a pot/tube... yet I always find myself buying more - Maybe this ones the next to add to my collection haha ;)

    Laura x

  2. This really sounds amazing, I mean, I've heard so many ladies rave about it with a few having mediocre experiences but for someone who always has dry and peely lips I think I might give this a go!

  3. Oh wow, I need this, it looks great!! The packaging is lovely too:-)
    I'd really appreciate it if you would have a look at my new blog? I update often so please follow my Bloglovin' too:-)

  4. This does sound absolutely amazing. I really need to use up more lipbalms though.
    Water Painted Dreams xo

  5. I've been wanting to try this forever and it really does sound worth buying! The scent sounds amazing as well and I'm sure i'll be purchasing at some point :) x

  6. I have heard SO many good things about this, but have been trying to block it out as I have far, far too many lip balms. I don't think I can ignore this much longer though - it just sounds perfect!

    Beccy // Bluebell & Bumpkin

  7. Definitely my favourite lip balm, after all of the hype I decided to try it in the winter when my lips were very dry and I LOVE it. My pot is almost finished so I will have to get a new one soon. Great review.

  8. 200% a holy grail for me too!

  9. Though I'm pretty happy with my Neutrogena Intense Repair I really want to get this one and see if it's really worth all the raves haha

  10. This is on my to buy list for when I use up a few more lip balms!! It takes me ages to get through them too xx

  11. I won this pot of goodness in a blog giveaway just over a mont ago, I have always wanted to try it & I its not disappointed either. Im in love with its texture, scent & just how unbelievably hydrated this keeps my lips. I will never be without this lip balm its so good

  12. I've seen this everywhere and actually own it but yet to use it, I reckon I should dive in and see what the hypes about?! x

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  13. This looks soooo good.

    Jess x

  14. I know how you feel taking up so much time to finish just one lip balm. I've been exclusively using just two lip balms (one for day and one for bedtime) for months now and I'm not even half way done with either! This lip balm sounds absolutely wonderful though, might just make it onto my list of products to try ;) haha

    Deb | Debra Bros Blog

  15. I'm a fan too! Also like their lighter stick version x

    1. I'm tempted to pick up the stick one, seems really handy for everyday x

  16. I have tried many many lip balms but this is the absolute best ever!!

  17. I love this lip balm it's my absolute fav! one pot of this lasts me about a year :)
    Daniella x

  18. I use to love Nuxe amd was disappointed that they're not entirely natural and contain fragrances in most of their products. I had this balm in my wish list for a long time, after reading all the raves! Have you tried the one in tube form? I wonder if they work the same way. x

    1. I always used to think of them as a natural brand too, but after looking at their ingredients lists for some of the products, they're more a brand who uses 'some' natural ingredients instead of 100/90% etc. I haven't tried the one in the tube, but have heard it's like a lighter version than this one x

  19. I've just bought one of these but it hasn't arrived yet. Looking forward to it even more after reading your review! x

    1. I hope you love it as much as I do - interested to hear your thoughts! x

  20. It is one amazing lip balm. At first, I found the texture to be quite strange because it's so thick and paste-like, but it really grew on me. It does just melt on the lips and is a great overnight treatment :)

    1. The texture is very different to most other lip balms I've tried before, but agree that it does sort of grow on you!


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