January Empties / Products I've Used Up

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Here's to the first Empties post of 2014.  I'm really happy with how many products I've managed to finish up last month, though there are quite a few favourites amongst this little lot that I'm sad to see go!

LUSH H'suan Wen Hua Hair Moisturiser
When I picked up my sales bits from Lush, I asked the SA for a sample of this and she gave me a super generous tub for free because my hair is pretty long.  Unfortunately, it didn't seem to do much for my hair and I couldn't see or feel any noticeable difference, so I'll be sticking with their Jasmine and Henna Fluff Ease treatment instead.  Repurchase? No. 

Macadamia Deep Repair Masque (review)
One of my holy grail hair masks, this is simply amazing if your hair is dry and or damaged.  I've repurchased this at least 3 or 4 times.  Repurchase?  Already have a smaller tube in my stash!

Essential Care Tea Tree & Herb Shampoo* (review)
This is my second bottle, and it works wonders for my dry and sensitive scalp.  With the added Tea Tree Oil, it does feel very clarifying though, so I only need to use it once a week or fortnight.  Repurchase?  Will do once I've used up some other shampoos.

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion (review)
I have quite oily eyelids so I tend to use a primer virtually every time I apply eyeshadow to stop it creasing, and these tubes last such a long time.  UDPP lives up to the hype for me, does the job and has never let me down.  Repurchase?  Not yet, I decided to pick up two budget primers to see how they compare instead - post will be up soon!  

Radical Eye Revive Cream* (review)
I have mixed feelings about this one.  I can't deny that it's a lovely eye cream that de-puffs and hydrates the eye area a treat, but because it didn't do anything else for me over the 8/9 months that I've used this, I just can't justify its £80 price tag.  Repurchase?  No.

Weleda Iris Moisture Balancing Hydrating Masque* (review
Amazing, amazing, amazing hydrating face mask!  One I'd recommend to anyone who has combination and/or dehydrated skin.  It delivers an essential moisture boost, but doesn't overload the skin.  It's perfect for using on its own or with serums and oils.  Repurchase?  Definitely.
Bio2You Organic Seabuckthorn Hand Cream* (review)
Lovely light and non-greasy hand cream.  Would perhaps be better suited to the Spring/Summer months though as I prefer heavier duty hand creams in the Winter.  Repurchase?  Not sure.

Collection Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner in Black
Throwing this out as it's completely dried up.  The pigmentation and staying power is fantastic, but it's a nightmare to remove and was prone to staining everything it came in contact with! Repurchase?  No.

Murad Blemish Treatment Concealer in Medium Beige* (review)
I enjoyed using this because it did the job and helped to treat my blemishes whilst covering them up at the same time.  Ultimately though, it doesn't do anything different to what the Witch concealer does, which is much, much cheaper.  Repurchase?  No. 

Lancome Hypnose Star Mascara in Noir Midnight 
Lancome do some incredible mascaras and I loved this little sample size (I've actually gone through about three of these!).  Repurchase?  I'm very tempted!

Bodhi Desert Rose Rejuvenating Face Oil* (review)
Oh it was a very sad day when I finished this up.  Desert Rose is a beautiful face oil, an amazing winter skin saviour, and just one of those products that you use and actually see a real difference to your skin.  Adored it so much.  Repurchase?  I have a mini sample size in my stash that I'm going to use next.

What beauty products have you used up recently?

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  1. I love the Macadamia masque, I was so sad when I finished mine! Definitely going to have to repurchase that at some point.
    I really like the Collection liner, too, I didn't have any problems with it staining or removing it - isn't it weird how the same product works so differently for different people!?

    Jess xo

    1. It's fab isn't it?!

      Is strange! One of my friends absolutely loves it! x

  2. The shampoo sounds nice xx

  3. Great empties! Pleased that you've got another Desert Rose x

    1. I was so happy when I found it in my stash - had forgotten about it! x

  4. A lovely little collection, glad to see you've cut everything open so you don't waste anything!

    Slightly Skint Blog

    1. Thanks Hazel - there's always SO much product left inside those tubes!

  5. I always love your faves. I really was surprised how much I love Lancome Hypnose Star too! It's kind of awesome!

    1. I'm a big fan, makes my lashes look amazing!

  6. Nice post! really curious about Weleda iris masque! x

    1. I love it, it must be in my top 5 favourite face masks ever list! x

  7. I'm using a sachet of the Macadamia masque and it's lasting for ages because I need to use so little! I think I will have to splurge on the big tub eventually xx

    1. They do last for ages! I had that tub on the go for at least 6 months xx

  8. I want to try the Macadamia mask. It sounds incredible and my hair really needs a kick of moisture right now!
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

    1. It's super amazing, can't recommend it enough! xx

  9. I hear so many good things about the Bodhi face oil, I'm definitely going to look at purchasing one!


    1. It's SO good! They do a travel size version which is great for sampling :)


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