Review: Latest In Beauty Hip and Healthy Box

Monday, 27 January 2014

Latest In Beauty always bring out the most interesting themed boxes throughout the year.  To kick things off for 2014, they have released the Hip and Healthy Box in conjunction with Hip and Healthy magazine.

The Hip and Healthy Box is jam-packed full of beauty and health related goodies to help you to become 'the best version of you'.  And when I say jam-packed, I mean jam-packed.  The team at LIB must be geniuses at the art Tetris to fit so much into one box!  So let's take a closer look at the contents.
 Included in the box are three beauty products:-

Balance Me Cleanse and Smooth Face Balm (40ml)
I've used this before and absolutely love it.  It's a thick, oil based cleanser that just removes all your make-up (including waterproof mascara) so quickly with minimal fuss.  I like to use it with a muslin cloth or flannel and think it's a great natural alternative to Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish.

NEOM Complete Bliss Moroccan Blush Rose Organic Hand Cream (50ml) 
Oh yes!  This is one of my favourite hand creams and you all know how much I adore anything by NEOM.  The scent of this is gorgeous and the formula is so lovely and light without any greasiness.  It's a very generous hand-bag size too.

Nourish Golden Glow Illuminating Face Shimmer (2ml)
I received this in the Nourish Argan Beauty Collection set and it's such a beautiful cream highlighter that you can use on the face and body.  As I already have it, I'm going to pop this in as a little extra in my current giveaway.
 Onto the yummy food items!

Jax Coco 100% Pure Coconut Water (250ml)
I'm addicted to coconut water so it was great to see this one by cult brand Jax Coco inside the box.  It comes in a sleek glass bottle and was packaged with protective bubblewrap.  I usually purchase Vita Coco but Jax tastes so fresh and pure - definitely one to try if you've never tasted coconut water before.

Rude Health Ultimate Organic Granola (50g)
I often eat granola for breakfast and find that it gives me that all important slow energy release that I need in the mornings.  I haven't tried this brand before, so I'm looking forward to having it with some almond milk tomorrow.  It has no refined sugar or added salt and it won the Great Taste Gold award in 2010.  Sounds good!

Bounce Natural Energy Ball Coconut & Macadamia (1 ball)
My local Holland and Barrett stocks a variety of these Bounce balls and I've always been curious to try one out, so now I can!  I love anything with Coconut and Macadamia in it, and this contains a high level of protein and fibre to release energy slowly and help keep you satisfied for longer.
There's also an array of superfoods and supplements included.

Teapigs Matcha (2g - 2 servings sample)
Matcha is 100% ground green tea leaves and you can add it to a whole range of drinks such as milk, fruit juice and smoothies, or you can blend it with hot water to make tea.  It's super concentrated because you're consuming all of the green tea leaf rather than just brewing it and throwing the teabag away, so it really helps to raise energy levels and boost your metabolism much more than regular green tea does.  The taste is very strong on its own, so I like to add a little to my morning glass of apple juice.

Aduna Baobab Superfruit Powder (4.5g - 1 serving sample)
 I haven't heard of Aduna Baobab before so this was an exciting discovery for me.  It's known as the 'Feel Good Fruit' and contains 14 essential vitamins and minerals.  Plus it's nearly 50% pure fibre and has one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any fruit in the world.  No wonder they call it the Feel Good Fruit!  You can add this to drinks and your breakfast granola.  I tried it yesterday, and it sort of tastes like a sweet but tangy sherbert!

Together Health Multi Vitamins (30 day sample)
Usually vitamins come in great big bottles, but Together are a unique monthly subscription service for just vitamins so they're packaged in a vacuum packed pouch.  How clever is that?

Virgin Active One Day Pass
One day entry pass to try out your local Virgin Active Gym.

Organic Superblends Omega 3  (5g - 1 serving sample)
This is an Alkalising Omega 3 rich Superfood Powder blended with Chia, which can be added to drinks, and food such as granola and yoghurt.  It's 100% organic, dairy, gluten, soy free and suitable for vegans.  I used it in the smoothie recipe below:-
 Berry & Banana Omega 3 Smoothie
Put one chopped banana, 250g mixed berries, 240ml soy milk or dairy free alternative, and the Organic Superblends Omega 3 sachet into a blender.  Whizz until smooth, enjoy!  [For more vegan and vegetarian recipes check out my food blog, A Wolf and Her Dinner.]

 Summary: This is a fantastic box for those who want to try out a whole range of interesting health products and I love the addition of the beauty products which are included too.  There's also lots of information leaflets explaining everything, and a special card listing exclusive money off / discount voucher codes for some of the brands.  It's great value for money (the contents are worth over £50) and serves as an excellent starting point for people who want to make 2014 the year they get healthy and feel better!

Have you bought the Hip and Healthy Box?

The Hip and Healthy Box* is available exclusively from Latest In Beauty and costs £9.95 plus £3.95 postage.

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  1. Hi Oh man I cancelled my subscription of Latest In beauty box last year, this one look soo good. Damn I'm gutted. :(

    1. Latest In Beauty aren't a subscription service - you order and pay for the boxes as and when you want them so you can still pick it up! :)

  2. Brilliant Value. I really want to try that coconut water now.

    1. It's really good. I always thought all coconut waters were the same, but I can tell the difference with Jax! x

  3. Wow, there are so many good things in this box! The Balance Me cleansing balm sounds lovely :) xx

  4. Wow! Great value for money! I may have to check it out.. xx

  5. I caved last week during my spending ban but I'm still awaiting its arrival! Looks great x

    1. Hope yours arrives soon! Tweet or email them if not, their customer service is really good x

  6. This looks amazing. I've always wanted to try the bounce balls as they sell them at a juice bar in my town, they're very expensive though.
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

    1. Yeah I think they're about £2 a piece or something? x

  7. What a subscription box! :-) The energy balls sound interesting, I've not seen them whenever I go into Holland & Barretts I shall have to have a look next time I go. And I love the Balance Me Cleansing Balm too, it's SO nice. Thanks for sharing xx

    1. My H&B has recently started to stock them and they're often at the counter or nearby. I think I've seen them in Waitrose too :) xx

  8. I would love to try Balance Me products but I can't seem to get them in Canada. I wish I could!
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

    1. Check out - they stock Balance Me and ship worldwide! :) xx

  9. nope, we dont get it here, but sounds great and healthy.

    1. Hope something similar comes out where you are! x

  10. I received an e-mail about this as I'm subscribed to the Hip & Healthy newsletter (its really fab!) and I was really tempted but I'm so fussy and probably wouldn't have eaten or tried any of the food/drink products so I decided against it but it does look amazing if you're starting off the year on a health kick/detox!

    1. I sub to their newsletter too - they always have such interesting articles and health tips :) Ah the food in it is really yummy! x

  11. This box looks amazing, first time in a long time I've wanted to subscribe.
    Lucy at Lucyy Writes

  12. What a brilliant box! I've had my eye on this since they sent the emails out last week or the week before. Might have to treat myself to it soon.

    Sharon x


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