Mini LUSH Sales Haul

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

At the weekend, I popped into Lush with a friend.  I wasn't expecting to find anything left from their annual 50% off xmas sale as I'd assumed that everything would have been snapped up by now, but to my amazement there were a couple of things still available on the shelves.

Alas there was no Snow Fairy, but there was ROSE JAM!

There were four 250g bottles left - one of which went into the hands of my friend and two went home with me.  I did contemplate picking up that last bottle but decided to be kind (i.e not completely greedy) and leave it for someone else.  

Rose Jam is one of my absolute favourite scents at Lush.   It's sweet (think rose meets vanilla, so, so heavenly) but best of all, this gorgeous scent really lingers.  Whenever I use it, I can smell it for hours afterwards. 
There wasn't much left in the way of gift sets, but I did manage to pick up the last Woweee set which contained a large chunk of Snowglobe Soap (120g), Whoosh Shower Jelly (100g), Red FUN (50g) and a small bottle of Ponche (100g).  

You guys all know how much I love Ponche so I was so happy to find a bottle in this set, and I've used and loved both Snowglobe and Whoosh in the past.  FUN is new to me though and I've seen some mixed reviews about it, so if you've tried it, let me know what you think?  It smells good anyway!

Did you pick up anything in the LUSH 50% off Xmas Sale?

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  1. I wish I'd picked up a bottle of Rose Jam in the sale but I bought so much I couldn't justify getting anything else! I'd love to know how you get along with the shower jelly and the 'Fun' - I've considered trying both in the past but always convince myself not to! xx

    1. I like the shower jellies a lot - if you smush a small bit of it into a sponge or poof they're really easy to work with and Whoosh smells so uplifting and lovely. Will let you know what I think of Fun! xx

  2. I never got round to going to the Lush sales (alas there is next year..) but you got some good stuff :)

    1. Yeah they do them every year so not too worry ;)

  3. I love their mini bottles. I hardly ever use up products as it is (the woes of being a beauty blogger). So minis get loved & used. You picked up some bargains. I always miss the LUSH sale.

    1. I love their mini bottles too, they're a great size for holidays and things like that x

  4. You got a few things! I didn't get anything as I don't have a lush anywhere near me :-(

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

  5. I'm very selective when comes to rose scents but rose jam sounds really lovely actually. Great score on the gift set too and cute box. x

    1. It's such a lovely scent, smells very different from most rose scents I've come across x

  6. Oh you're too nice, I would have taken the last bottle :)!

    Danniella x |

  7. Aaah, you got some gorgeous things! The Lush near me has closed down so I didn't manage to get anything in the sale this year.

    Catherine, xo // Lady Liquor Vintage

  8. You picked up some lovely products from LUSH! I got some soaps and the Sandy Santa shower scrub which I'm very excited to try!
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

  9. Oooh you did well to find anything this late after the sale started, especially products you really like too :) xx

  10. You definitely got some lovely things! The Rose Jam products sound heavenly - I've never tried anything from that range but am very tempted now x

  11. I used to love the shower jelly! Would always get it for birthdays and Christmas x

    1. I haven't bought it in ages but I think it was one of the first things I ever bought from Lush x

  12. LUSH does the best post-Christmas sales - 50% can't be beat! I got 2 gift sets, a 250g bottle of Rose Jam and a tiny bottle of Snow Fairy (last one - it was meant to be!). I quite like Ponche - took it with me to Uluru and it was so nice to use in the shower. I do love how LUSH shower gels really linger on the skin.

    1. You did well! I love them for the same reason and that they always make my bathroom smell amazing for ages afterwards x

  13. I love that Rose Jam shower gel, I think it's my favourite of all the ones Lush do xo

  14. I love the Lush sale! The Rose Jam stuff smells amazing <3
    I've actually posted about my sales buys today :)

    Jess xo

    1. Ooo shall read your post later this evening :) xx

  15. Didn't realize there was a sale in lush.. must have a look!

    1. It's ended online but you might find some things left in some stores if you're quick!

  16. Fantastic haul, I also picked some picks up in the sale, they only arrived yesterday!

    Stephanie (@hopefreedomlove)

    1. I've seen a lot of people get some late parcels! Glad yours has arrived safely :) x


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