June Empties / Products I've Used Up
Sunday, 30 June 2013
5 Mini Reviews: Liz Earle, Weleda, L'Occitane, Balance Me & Mitchell And Peach
Thursday, 27 June 2013

As summer finally feels like it's here, I've started to see many mouthwatering images of yummy cocktails and colourful drinks popping up all over the place via places like Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Hopefully, the weather will continue to be good to us, so I thought I'd share some of my favourite summer cocktail recipes. How many of these have you tried?
The Rave Review: Bodhi Rosemary Chi Himalayan Detox Salt Scrub, Flora Paradiso De-Stress Massage & Body Oil & Neroli Lucé Revitalising Face Oil
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
One of the best things about being a beauty blogger is being able to try out a whole host of new products on a regular basis, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of doing so! But when it comes to Bodhi, their products take this perk to an entire new level of pleasure. These three are just some of the latest and exciting additions to be created by Bodhi, and all are more than worthy of a rave review.
Currently Using: Anti Blemish Products & Spot Fighters
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Let's face it, no one likes getting blemishes or having to deal with a breakout. Luckily, there are a million and one products around which promise to banish and prevent them, but in my experience, I find many simply don't work in the long term or have a bad habit of leading to other skin problems (e.g drying it out too much etc). So here are four anti-blemish / spot fighters which do work exceptionally well for me, and are ones which I always recommend trying out.
Review: Boxdelux - June 2013
Monday, 24 June 2013
Boxdelux* (£35 per month, link)
A month or so ago, I wrote a post about a new subscription service called Boxdelux which is exclusively aimed at high-end and luxury consumers. The box promises to bridge the gap between beauty and food subscriptions, marrying the two together to include a select mix of products every month so that you can enjoy the best of both worlds. As with all things luxury inspired, it comes with a high-end price tag of £35 per month, so is it worth it? Let's investigate with their box for June.
Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish / Skin Tonic Set* (£28.02, link)
Those of you who love a good bargain (and that's me included of course!), will no doubt know all about QVC. This year, the famed shopping channel is celebrating 20 years of being on the air, which makes me feel really old because I remember my mum buying xmas presents from QVC when I was in nursery school. I used to think that it was some kind of magic how the products from the TV would show up later that week on our doorstep, well I was only about 4 or 5 years old at the time!
#5 Amazing Things To Do This Summer
Friday, 21 June 2013
Summer always feels like the shortest of the seasons in the UK, perhaps due to the crazy weather or maybe because so many of us associate it with those six weeks of school holidays (remember those? Oh, weren't they glorious!). Either way, I think it's important to make the most of this brief feeling season, so grab a pen and paper (or your tablet/laptop/phone) and maybe brainstorm some fun things to do. Here are my top five suggestions.
Review: SoukSouk Beauty Box - June 2013
Thursday, 20 June 2013
SoukSouk Beauty Box* (£12 + P&P)
As the beauty box market continues to grow, I think it's great to see more exclusively 'green' boxes appearing. SoukSouk describes itself as a 'little green beauty box' which sums it up perfectly, as they only ever include beauty products which are natural / organic/ cruelty-free etc. The 'box' itself simply comes in plain cardboard packaging making it as eco-friendly and fully recyclable as possible. Hooray to no more beauty box clutter!
Review: Beauteco Box - June 2013
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Beauteco Box* (£10 + P&P, link)
Going through my post pile, I noticed this month's Beauteco box at the bottom, so I eagerly pulled it out and opened it up. This, 'see what's inside before you buy', beauty subscription box seems to be proving fairly popular, so let's take a closer look at their offerings for June shall we?
German Beauty Haul & A Giveaway! (CLOSED)
Monday, 17 June 2013
Hello, hello, I'm back! Well I've had an interesting two weeks. To cut a long story short, my fortnight in Germany lasted just four days due to the awful flooding in Southern Germany/ Bavaria and its surrounding countries. My heart literally sank when I saw the weather reports on the news, and the afternoon before we were due to travel down to Munich, we received a phone call from our tour operator advising us to cancel our booking. Argh! However, none of our family in the Bavaria region were harmed in the floods or had to be evacuated, so I'm very grateful for that. Anyway, I made the most of my short stay and even managed to pick up a few beauty things, so all's well that ends well right?!
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