My Most Worn MAC Lipsticks & Swatches

Sunday, 19 May 2013

I've been having a much needed and long overdue spring clean this weekend, which has also involved a good, long look through my make-up collection.  I took a ruthless approach and managed to get rid of a few things, as well as selling/swapping/giving away some unused and unloved items.  Included in the products that I bid farewell too were a couple of MAC lipsticks that I'd never worn, or only worn once or twice.  What was I thinking buying that bright purple Heroine when I'm a neutral lover for example?! In the end, I reduced my MAC lipstick collection to just my four most worn ones. 

Here are the keepers: Please Me, Creme Cup, Modesty and Shy Girl.  No surprises that three are Cremesheens and in the nude/neutral family!

 Modesty (Cremesheen)
I always feel like Modesty is one of the most underrated MAC lipsticks, ever.  It's a beautiful, simple nude-pink that's so easy to wear.    

 Creme Cup (Cremesheen)
Creme Cup on the other hand is very much coveted and loved in the beauty world.  This pale nude pink works amazingly well with a smokey eye.

 Please Me (Matte)
 This was a surprise for me because I'm really not a big fan of matte lipsticks, but I don't find this one too drying.  Please Me is the one I reach for constantly in the summer months because it looks so good with a tan.

Shy Girl (Cremesheen)
Shy Girl is my number one favourite lipstick shade and the one that I always recommend to anyone and everyone when they're looking to buy a new lipstick from MAC.  I just think it's so effortlessly simple and pretty, plus it seems to suit a lot of people too.

So those are my most worn MAC lipsticks!  No doubt, I'll end up purchasing and falling in love with another one or two sometime soon though.... you know how it is!

What are your favourite MAC lipsticks?

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  1. I really enjoyed this post :) until very recently I hadn't bought a mac lipstick (and I still haven't tried one yet) until I stumbled onto a couple in a blog sale and picked up three for less than £20. Bit excessive maybe to choose 3 but they're waiting for me at my family home as a present for me finishing my exams! Among them is Shy Girl which is a lipstick I've had my eye on for ages. It looks gorgeous on you and seems to suit a lot of people. I love the look of both Please Me and Modesty too, if I ever feel flush enough to buy one full price I'll definitely swatch these in store. I always seem to buy bright lipsticks (the colours are hypnotic I tell you!) but I wear neutrals most of the time, I need to be a more savvy shopper from now on! Xx

    1. Thanks Angelica :) You're going to LOVE Shy Girl! And buying MAC from blog sales is such a good way of trying stuff out, I have so many fab bargains in my collection through picking things up here and there :) xx

  2. I love Please Me and Shy Girl, definitely two of my favourites. Modestly looks gorgeous, can't believe I've never come across it before!
    And Katie x

  3. Cream cup is one of my favourites. x

  4. These colours are all perfect for me - I love please me!

    I definitely need a clear out too x

    1. You have great taste Josie! ;)

      Clear outs are hard to do, good luck! x

  5. I don't know how you can have the courage to clear out makeup, I'd have a nervous breakdown if I had to decide which makeup products to keep and get rid of :') lovely lipstick shades though, I have Please Me and love it, I think Creme Cup will be next on my list :D xx

    1. It is difficult but I moved house recently so that was my excuse for finally having a clearout! Don't think I could have done it otherwise ;)

      Creme Cup is really gorgeous :) xx

  6. Creme Cup has been on my list for ages!! xx

  7. i have please me but I don't wear it as much. I should do! x

  8. Creme Cup is my absolute favourite, Shy Girl looks so nice. I can't wait to get shopping in MAC again now. Great post! xo

  9. Creme cup is my most worn too! As well as Sweetie :)


  10. These look so cute on! I have Creme Cup but barley use it, need to use it more especially for summer!

    Stevie Hearts Makeup

    Stevie xxx

    1. It does seem to work well with a tan :) xxx

  11. It's so nice to see the natural shades. My MAC lipstick collection is more matte than creamsheen, so I I'm curious about there now! X

    1. I naturally seem to gravitate to the Cremesheens because so many of my favourite neutral shades are there, but I do need to look more into the Matte ones :) x

  12. I really want Creme Cup! I'm not so keen on Shy Girl in the bullet, but it looks gorgeous on you xx

    1. You should! Shy Girl looks very strange and orangey in the bullet & swatch, but is amazing on the lips :) x

  13. PleaseMe is so pretty

  14. Hi :)
    I wanted to ask you something : If you had to recommend ONE mac lipstick for someone who doesn't have any, what would it be?
    I'm looking forward to buy one but i want a nice everyday shade and i don't know which one is the best.

    Dear Helly

    1. Hi Helly, I would say pick Shy Girl (if you like the look of it above!) - I absolutely love it and think it looks great on so many people. Let me know if you pick it up (or any others!) xx


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