My Favourite Makeup Primers

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

For a very long time, I never used any primers.  They always sounded far too high maintenance for a lazy girl like me!  But as my interest in make-up grew, it seemed inevitable that I would eventually pick one up and now I really appreciate all of the benefits of using them.  Here are my current favourites:-

Murad Skin Perfecting Primer for Blemish & Shine Control* (review)
This is my absolute holy grail primer and one that I constantly recommend to anyone who has an oily t-zone and blemish prone skin.  It leaves my face shine-free all day, has Salicylic Acid in it to prevent breakouts and it prolongs the wear time of my make-up.  It's also tinted, so will cover minor blemishes or marks, without the need for extra concealer.  Win-win!

bare Minerals Prime Time Foundation Primer (review)
Despite it being silicone based, I haven't had any problems with this primer at all.  I always enjoy that silky feel it gives the skin and it makes the smoothest base for foundation.  It helps to keep my foundation put for 8-9 hours so I often use this in the week before I go to work.

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion (review)
I've been using UDPP for years and its become a make-up staple for me.  I usually always apply this before putting on any eyeshadow because it stops any creasing or fading on my oily lids.  I also like how it intensifies some eyeshadow colours too and really makes them 'pop'!

Benefit The POREfessional  
I have a love/hate thing with this primer, but thought I'd include it because it really does reduce the size of my pores so its worth it for that factor alone.  Sadly, it also breaks me out if I use it too often, so if I keep it for special occasions only, we get along just fine.

Do you use primers?

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  1. I only use Witch's primer :) x

    1. I like that one a lot, will definitely pick another up once I've used up one of these :) x

  2. I use the ELF eyelid primer at the moment but I bought a UD Primer Potion from a blogsale, I cannot wait for it to arrive! xx

  3. I think UDPP was one of the first makeup products I ever used and I still adore it to this day!

    1. I think it was one of the first for me too, love it!

  4. I adore the poreprofessional. It's the only primer thats ever worked for me it's such a shame it makes me break out though :(

    Beauty Fiends Blog

    1. Glad it's not just me that has that problem with it :(

  5. I've been on the lookout for the perfect primer. I've tried them all except the Murad. It sounds perfect for me: acne proned, oily.... Yay! It's going on my wish list!

    1. It does sound perfect for you Melissa! Let me know what you think if you try it :) xx

  6. Great selection. I agree, the Murad is fantastic! Not tried the bareMinerals but love the brand so I'm sure it's great too. X

    1. Murad are so good aren't they? The bm primer is well worth trying out :) x

  7. I use Benefit That Gal as it smooths and brightens! :D x

    1. I've tried a sample of that in the past and it sadly didn't do much for me, but I know loads of people like yourself who love it! x

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a love hate relationship for does work but my skin hates it!

    I need to give that murad one a go though, I haven't tried that. Although, I'm still a smashbox photofinish kinda gal...

    1. Yeah seems to be a common problem with Porefessional! :(
      I haven't tried the famous Smashbox primer yet but it's definitely on my wishlist!

  9. I like Prime Time a lot -- it reminds me of a cheaper, better version of Smashbox Photofinish. I've been looking into some Murad products lately, ever since I watched Lisa Eldridge use one of the sunscreens as her primer!

    1. That's interesting, I've always been tempted to pick up that Smashbox one so maybe I don't need to now? Murad are brilliant, I'm a big fan of their products :)

  10. I use Smashbox and love UD Primer Potion :) xx

  11. The only one I haven't tried is the bare minerals. Great pics. x

  12. I really loved the Murad Primer but I gave it away because I knew just how awesome it is and one day I would force myself to buy it agian! Never!.....I mean maybe but soo expensive. It kills me when I spent so much on makeup =(

    1. You gave it away?!?! You crazy girl! I think someone would have to pry it out of my cold dead hands first lol. It is expensive but it does last a good while x

  13. I love UDPP, I've nearly ran out of the sample I got with my naked palette :( x

    1. I first discovered UDPP through a palette sample, and when it ran out, I rushed out to buy the full size because it's so good :) x

  14. I absolutely love the Murad one, I have the Dewy Finish version and it's gorgeous! Good choices :)

    1. One of my friends has the Dewy one and she loves it too! You can't go wrong with Murad :)

  15. i really dont like the porefessional it does nothing its rubbish haha

    1. I've seen so many mixed reviews on it, so you're certainly not alone!

  16. I currently loving the nars pro primer but I want to try the bareminerals prime time!

  17. I have no problem with oily skin. It's normal with tendency to go dry. So I'm fine to use Nive primer - absorbs fast, gives silky feeling. I really like it!

    1. I tried a sample of the Nivea primer a while back and it broke me out sadly, but I'm happy to hear it works for you. The price is amazing!

  18. I still want to try Porefessional! I love the UD one but I'm not keen on the BM one? It just didn't do anything for me but peel. I must try the Murad one, it sounds perfect for me!

    The Style Rawr!

    1. Murad is brilliant, can't recommend it enough! xx

  19. For me it has to be The POREfessional for regular primer and Eyeshadow Primer Potion for the eyes. I very rarely use any others xx

  20. You just reminded me that I actually have a bottle of Prime Time that I haven't used in ages, I really want to try it again now. Love the porefessional and udpp! xx


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