MUJI Clear Makeup Storage #1

Sunday, 3 February 2013

I'm a terribly disorganised person and my make-up collection has been living in a chaotic mess for a very long time.  One of the main problems I had with my old make-up storage system (if you can call it a system!), was that everything was essentially all crammed into a series of make-up bags, beauty boxes and old shoe boxes stacked on top of each other.  I couldn't see what I had or where anything was.

As I received some MUJI vouchers for xmas, I decided to finally purchase some of those clear acrylic drawer boxes that I'd heard so much about and I love them!  They look great, are really compact so they can fit almost anywhere, but at the same time, you can still fit quite a lot of things into them.  Best of all, I can see exactly what I have and where it all is!

I decided to buy one 5 drawer box and one 2 drawers wide box to start with and I've put the make-up that I use the most often into these.  Once my spending ban is over, I'm going to be looking at buying some more storage to fit the rest of my make-up collection in so that everything's all together, but for now, here's how I've got it set up. 

The first unit here was actually a gift from a friend and I believe she may have picked it up from John Lewis, but you can find similar on eBay and Amazon too.  It comprises of four main sections: one at the back that's narrow and split into two - this is perfect for mascaras and eyeliners etc.  Next to that is a small stand up part where I keep my Benefit Hoola Bronzer and Liz Earle Foundation.  At the front, there's a larger stand up part where I have bits and bobs like an EOS lip balm, ELF Cream Eyeliner, Daniel Sandler Watercolour Blush etc.  Lastly, the other section is mainly for lipsticks, but I've used the front four slots for my Benefit minis.

Underneath that, I have my MUJI 5 drawer box.  I decided to pick this up because I wanted to keep my make-up singular and flat (so not piled up on top of each other in the drawers themselves).

First drawer of 5 has my most used lip products, so things like my Korres Lip Butters, Revlon Lip Butters, a couple of MAC lipsticks that I wear all the time and some Revlon lipglosses etc.  As you can see you can fit quite a lot in one of these little drawers!

Second drawer of 5 contains my most used eye products.  Here I mainly have a bunch of singles and some trios.  Near the back of this drawer, I also keep some eyeliners that I want to use more often.

Third drawer of 5 has some bronzers and blushers, as well as couple of lip products that couldn't fit into the above drawer.  With larger items, you'll find that you have to play a bit of Tetris to see how they'll all fit together!

Fourth drawer of 5 contains my current favourite blushers and MAC's Harmony which I use for contouring.  Here you can see that you can fit up to 8 regular sized MAC blushers if you wanted to.

Fifth drawer of 5 has my Urban Decay Naked Palette, Sleek Storm palette and a Stila palette.  I thought it would nice to put my favourite palettes into a drawer of their own, but in hindsight I don't think it's the best use of space and I'll probably put them somewhere else at some point.

Moving on, I keep all of my make-up brushes & tools in mugs and containers like so.

Underneath my brushes, I have the MUJI 2 drawer wide box which fits a mix of bulkier items that won't fit into the slimmer 5 drawer box.  The first drawer has primers, my mineral foundations, thick packaged eyeshadows and some other bits.  If you have a lot of MAC Paint Pots, then those will fit nicely into this.

In the last drawer I've put my Urban Decay Alice In Wonderland palette which I love so much, but shamefully rarely use.  I'm hoping that having it like this will encourage me to use it more often, though like the palettes in the 5 drawer box, I still think the space can be used more efficiently for other items. 

If you're looking to buy some MUJI clear storage for your own make-up, here are some pointers:-

- Think about what size of drawers you want to get: sounds obvious I know, but some items will simply not fit into the narrower 5 drawer box etc.
- Alternatively, you may find the other storage options like their partition boxes and singular deep drawer boxes better suited for your needs.
- Phone/email your local MUJI store for stock queries:  I found that the 5 drawer box was out of stock for a while at my local store, but they notified me when new stock was arriving so that I didn't make a wasted journey.  Alternatively, check their website and see what's in stock on there.
- Be aware that this storage can get dirty quite quickly:  Like NARS packaging, these plastic drawers will look grubby in no time if you're using them regularly, so perhaps make a habit of giving them a quick wipe once a week to keep them looking clear.

So that's it for now - I'll be sure to do an updated post when I get some more storage from MUJI in the near future!

How do you store your make-up?
Do you like the look of MUJI storage?

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  1. I'm definitely going to get some wide drawers once they're back in stock. No MUJI stores up in Scotland sadly! Xx

  2. Your makeup looks great in these! x

  3. I have a lot of these draws from Muji :) x

  4. I really want to start organising my things like this, atm i have them all in a massive silver makeup case but its not overly pretty!

    Zoe, x

    1. I used to have something similar for my make-up a few years ago - definitely a lot easier to organise stuff when it's clear and not coloured x

  5. These are fantastic, I'm running out of space where to put my make up... Really need those.
    Great collection!!! :) xx

  6. This looks so organised. Like you were doing my make up is just stored in make up bags, so are my brushes. I really want to organise it so I can see what I have as often I forget about products. x

    1. It's so easy to forget what you have when they're like that - I couldn't remember where anything was! x

  7. After my spending ban I think I'm going to invest in these, I've really wanted for ages and think it might be time to pick some up! I'm a big organising freak so these are perfect for me, I hate my WhSmith Cupcake draws xx | Shona x

    1. They do bring out the inner tidy freak in a person :D So much fun organising everything too! xx

  8. Great post Evelyn! I've been looking at Muji storage and it does look great value for money... Maybe an idea for your palettes could be a letter organiser? I've seen a few people use them for that purpose and I'll prob do that myself when I finally pick one up :) x

    1. Thanks Daniella! That's a great tip, I'll definitely be on the hunt for a clear letter organiser for my palettes now! Sounds like a much better idea than putting them in drawers :) x

  9. I've never really been interested in these but they look so nice here. Everything seems to have it's own place which is something I am currently failing to do with my own make-up storage. I may have to pick a few of these units up - they look really good :) xxxx

    1. Yeah I love how you can have a whole drawer just for lip products etc and they look so nice and tidy together :) xx

  10. I could really do with something like this!xx

  11. These look great!
    I love how simple they are

  12. I'm very jealous but inspired by this post! I've been meaning to update my make up storage and have been thinking about buying the Muji drawers but they've been out of stock online each time I've checked recently. However this has made up my mind to finally order them as they look amazing!

    The other thing I'm collecting at the moment is nice jars to put my mascaras/brushes in etc abit like the mugs you are using!

    Leanne x

    1. Yeah they do seem to sell out of them quickly when they come into stock! Hope they have some more in for you soon :) x

  13. I reallt need to get me some of these Muji draws, my makeup collection has defiantly outgrown my current storage set up. Love how simple and organised these look.

  14. I'll be investing in these, I seriously need some good storage. Cheers for this it gives a really good idea of what you can do with them x

  15. i just love how you have everything organized!

  16. I use a very similar system to store my makeup and I've found that is by far the best way. It's clean, organized and easy to find things! Very nice makeup :-)

  17. I love High Beam! Wear it every time I go out! :)

  18. They're so nice! I really want to get some, at the moment I'm having to keep my make up in old beauty boxes which isn't ideal
    Daniella x

    1. I had mine in beauty boxes for ages and hated rummaging through them whenever I was looking for something. So much easier and nicer now :) x

  19. It all looks absolutely gorgeous! I'd love some MUJI drawers and to have my make up on display but my bedroom's tenny tiny and it would just look cluttered!

    1. thanks Emma! You can stack these if that helps? x

  20. this looks fab, i love how muji storage looks xx

  21. I love how organised and neat everything looks! I currently have boxes of different categories in my drawer but as soon as I move out and have enough space I'm creating one of these storages. They're so simple and clean x

    1. Yep! I love that too, especially how you can see everything and where it is x

  22. This looks very organised and I love your collection! X

  23. Your storage looks great and your collection, I'm waiting for more to come instock online, they've changed the date AGAIN.
    Lucy at Lucyy Writes x

  24. I am about to order some Muji drawers for my makeup. I just found your post through googling 'muji makeup storage' and this has helped me so much, as it really helped me visualise how it will work with my collection. I might order one 5 drawer and two two drawer units, it looks like the two drawers would stack to be about the same height as the 5!

    1. I think they would stack to the 5 drawer height definitely! Glad it's been helpful :)

  25. Hi, I was wondering what the individual height for each drawer in the 5 drawer set is?

    1. Hi Vi, each drawer in that set is 3cms high. Hope that helps! x

  26. Thank you so much for writing this in such details! I was having such dilemmas over what to buy from Muji and which arrangement or combination to go for and this completely swayed me. I'm gonna get the Amazon one too, looks like the perfect mix - thanks! So useful! xx

  27. Your storage looks great! check out my post I just wrote about this!


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