Worth the Hype: L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil review

Thursday, 10 January 2013

My love affair with L'Occitane's Almond Shower Oil began about two years ago when a friend bought me a travel sized bath and shower set from the French brand.  I was so excited to try it out because it was popping up everywhere across the blogosphere, and you know me, I love blog hype!
Oddly enough however, it wasn't love at first usage.  To begin with, I was really disappointed that it smells more floral than of actual almonds.  Don't get me wrong, there's a sure hint of almondness in there, but the clean floral top notes are certainly more dominant, so if you can, try to have a sniff of it instore to see if you like it because the whole range is like that.  Secondly, I always use my shower products with one of those shower puffs, but using this with one of those just didn't do anything and it seemed to disappear far too quickly.

Then I read a couple of reviews and changed the way that I used it.  Eureka!  I instantly fell in love!  Instead of a shower puff, I now just use it with my hands and it creates a delicate lather when it mixes with water.  It feels so luxurious and gets you really nice and clean, whilst also being gentle on the skin and feeling rather moisturising too!  I also love using it for shaving my legs (hello softest legs ever!) and it works equally as well with a body brush on dry skin for an exfoliating session.

It is on the pricey side, but well worth the splurge if you fancy treating yourself, or have a birthday coming up.  I think it would make a lovely Valentine's gift too (hint hint to all the other halves reading this...!).

Have you tried L'Occitane's Almond Shower Oil?
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  1. Sounds really nice! :) I'm surprised it's labelled almonds and smells more fruity. ;) X


  2. I love this stuff. I'm not overly impressed with the shower gels but the oil I love! x

    1. I've heard a lot of people say that - haven't tried out any of their shower gels yet, but I don't think they would beat this! x

  3. I had a teeny bottle of this ages ago and loved it! I just wish the almond scent was stronger.

    1. Yeah I would have loved it even more if it was a proper almond scent xx

  4. Sounds amazing, I've wanted to try this for ages so it's great to know it's worth the hype! Thanks for the tip on how to use it as well, definitely thinking of investing :) x

    1. Let me know what you think if you try it out! :) x

  5. I have this and have a review going up tomorrow I think it is. I am in love. Have you tried a few drops in the bath? It's heavenly xo

    1. Oh I haven't tried it in the bath! Will give that a go this weekend I think - thanks for the tip :) xx

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Sandra, happy to hear you're a fan too! x

  7. Fabulous review lovely and thanks for sharing the tip on how to use it best, I will be sure to try this!

    Eda ♥

  8. I love this, i agree it's not overly of almond though! It took me a few uses to figure out how to use it but i've already got a back up bottle now.

    Zoe | zozeze.com

    1. I do wish it was more almondy but the scent is definitely growing on me the more I use it x

  9. I absolutely love the bottle! Gorgeous x

  10. I have heard great things about this! Maybe I should give in and splurge a bit :P

    Black and Vanilla

  11. I love this. It is the best thing I have ever used to shave my legs and it also makes the process feel a little more glamorous. lol. xx

  12. Ok that is it! I NEED this. Like now haha!

  13. I absolutely love this shower oil, I don't think I can go back to using shower gels regularly- especially in the autumn/winter months xx

    1. Yeah there's really something extra special about using this in the colder months xx

  14. I have never used a shower oil before, it sounds very interesting :)

    1. They're a bit weird to start off with, but very addictive and so lovely to use when you get the hang of them :) x

  15. I've never used a shower oil before, this sounds lovely! I'm surprised it as a floral scent though xx

    1. It is strange, I was so disappointed at first because I absolutely LOVE almond scented things, but this one is starting to grow on me now xx

  16. I've never tried L'Occitane shower products but this sounds lovely :) It's funny how changing the way you use a product can make you change your mind about it as well. If you like almond scented/flavoured products, have you tried the Burts Bees cream?

    1. Honestly if I hadn't read any reviews online about it I probably would have given up on it and given it away to someone! I've tried the almond scented BB hand cream which was so lovely :)

  17. The product looks and sounds absolutely gorgeous. I cant wait to get my hands on it for a special treat (:


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  18. I have wanted to try this for aages! I wish it smelt more like almonds xx

    1. Me too - I'd strongly recommend popping into a shop and sniffing it before buying it. Some people like the scent and others don't so it's just one of those things xx

  19. Yes, id totally try that, looks luxurious :) x


  20. This was actually named my number one product of 2012 - http://anormalgirlsreviews.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/my-top-3-beauty-products-of-2012.html

    A stunning product and I think the scent is another level, I wonder - if it smelt of almond, would I like it as much? I don't think I would.
    I'm glad you gave it another go - maybe slather yourself in it and leave it on without touching water and see how soft your skin is once it's sunk right in.

    Thanks for sharing this with us :)

    1. I'll have to try that! I can certainly see why you made it your number product of 2012! :)

  21. I got this in a set for Christmas and I'm in love with it, I've actually just bought the full size, oops lol :-)

    1. It's easy to pick up the full size when you first try it isn't it?! Jealous that you now have two! :)

  22. I have to say, I can't use this product everyday as the scent is too sweet for me :(, otherwise its nice, xoxo.

    1. I can understand that, the scent is very sweet! xx

  23. I really want to try this for the days when its cold and grey and you need a pamper night in with that luxury feel, at the moment I am using the Laura Mercier Almond and Coconut Bath set but as soon as that is gone I will be getting this! Thanks for the review.

    Jess @ theprophecyofloveliness@blogspot.com


    1. Thanks Jess, it would be perfect for a spot of luxury pampering! xx


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