Reviews: Tisserand Awakening Shower & Bath Wash, Anti-Blemish Stick and Detox Body Massage Oil

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

For xmas, my lovely friend Jenna gave me a box full of beauty products that she'd specially chosen for me (we decided to make up our own beauty boxes to give to each other based around a theme that we had picked out - mine was all things natural and organic), and the first three items I've been trying out from the box were from Tisserand. 

The Awakening Shower & Bath Wash has been such a pleasure to use first thing in the morning.  The scent is absolutely gorgeous and it features a whole host of essential oils like lemon, grapefruit, rosemary, bergamot, ginger etc, to really refresh and revive your senses.  Although it says it can be used in the bath as well, I think I'll be keeping mine just for those early morning showers when I need an extra helping hand to wake up!

Having recently finished up my bottle of Etat Pur Salicylic Acid that I've been using on any blemishes for the last couple of months, I decided to give this Anti-Blemish Stick a go.  It's basically a blended formula of tea tree oil, and so far it's helped to reduce one annoying blemish that was on my chin and refusing to budge.  It has a sponge doe-foot applicator but I use a cotton swab with it instead as that seems much more hygenic.

Lastly, I have been loving using the Detox Massage Body Oil to treat my skin with after a bath or shower.  I use it on those 'problem' areas (you all know the ones!) to help smooth things out and it leaves my skin smelling herbally fresh and feeling silky soft.

Tisserand products are based on ethical aromatherapy principles and are made with 100% pure essentials oils and organic, wild crafted or ethically harvested ingredients.  Tisserand products are also Vegan Society certified and free from synthetic fragrances and parabens.

Do you use anything from Tisserand?

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  1. I've only ever tried the Almond Oil they sell and I love that for both skin and the ends of my hair before I wash it! xo

    1. That sounds so lovely! I'll have to check it out :)

  2. These look nice. I've used their hand creams before and they are lovely x

  3. I havent heard of this brand :) Thanks for introducing it :) Sounds lovely!

    The Misty Mom

  4. I'm a fan of their hand creams :)

  5. Great products, I need to try them!


  6. Love the sounds of the detox massage body oil! I haven't tried anything from Tisserand before but they sound like a great brand x

    1. It's really good - kinda reminds me of a luxury herbal version of Bio Oil! x

  7. This sounds like a great brand, I've been away from the blogging world for a while, I'm loving catching up on all of your posts :).

    One Little Moose


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