New Year, New Diary

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Welcome to 2013!  I hope everyone has had a great start to the New Year!  Every Christmas, my mum always gives me a new diary, but I never tear open the wrapping paper until 1st January.  It's a long standing tradition that we have which probably goes back to when I was around 10/11 years old or even younger, I don't actually remember (my brain is still feeling a little fluffy and fragile after NYE!).  

Whether it's this age-old family tradition or just my love for the feel of books and paper in general, I know I'll always use and keep a paper diary.  It may seem a little old fashioned in these modern times of iPhones and apps, but I think I'll always write in one and couldn't imagine it any other way.  

For these reasons, my mum always gives me a really beautiful diary, and this year's diary is exceptionally easy on the eyes.  It's from the company Paperblanks who sell diaries and other notebook paraphernalia which celebrate timeless arts and crafts.  My diary for 2013 is replicated from one of William Morris' elaborate designs and I absolutely love it.

Do you use a paper diary?

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  1. I also use paper diary and cannot imagine not having one!!! Mine is Cath Kidston one, I also post a photo of it today. Yours looks very luxurious. X

    1. Yours looks lovely, I've had Cath Kidston ones in the past and love the different floral prints you can get them in :) x

  2. Lovely! I got a Cath Kidston one too! And a 5 year memory book too. Happy New Year Evelyn x

    1. Cath Kidston prints are so pretty! Thanks Sandra, Happy New Year :) x

  3. Such a beautiful diary! I love stationary my favourite thing about going back to school, college or even Uni was shopping for new things. xxx

    1. Me too, I could spend forever in places like Paperchase and Waterstones just looking at all the stationary stuff xxx

  4. Lovely!
    I got one which I bougth at a local store Hema. Its ok. But not as cute as yours or the one everyone else is talking about Frankie Diary.

  5. It's gorgeous! I love having a dairy, I wouldn't know if I was coming or going with out one. Happy New Year lovely. x

  6. Lovely :) My Dad always gets me a diary xx

    1. That's cool, I think parents always want their kids to be organised! xx

  7. Love this diary :) I have one with owls on it but I'm using it as an actual write about my day diary not sure how long I'll keep it up though x

    1. Aww I love anything with owls on! I really should get back into the habit of doing that, I used to do it all the time, especially when I was in college x

  8. Such a lovely design and what a great tradition! xoxo.

  9. Happy New Year Evelyn! What a great tradition! I think it's such a lovely idea. I still like writing things down on paper as well rather than electronically. Makes it feel more permanent!
    I wish you all the best in 2013! xoxo

  10. Ah it's gorgeous! I really want a nice diary to write blog/uni things in but i still haven't got round to getting one.

    Happy new year!x

    1. You'd probably be able to pick one up in the sales half price? Happy New Year Zoe! x

  11. This is such a pretty diary :) what a lovely tradition!

  12. Hi Evelyn, No diaries here but I still keep a paper agenda. I've tried many apps but nothing beats writing something down. I love starting new agendas and I look forward to start the new year every year, when I update my new agenda in December.

    1. Happy to see lots of people including yourself, are still sticking to writing it all down on paper :) I've tried apps before, but always go back to a proper diary x

  13. This is stunning, I'm so jealous! xx

  14. There is nothing that beats a paper organizer, I don't care how many ipads and tables are released.. I need to smell some paper :)

    Great blog, I'm following :)

    1. Glad you agree! Thanks so much for following :)

  15. Lovely! The last couple of years my Mum also bought me a Paperblanks Diary, a lovely pink ornate one x

    1. Oh sounds gorgeous! I'm a big fan of Paperblanks x

  16. Aww what a sweet tradition & that's such a beautiful diary! I don't know how I'd function without a paper diary. I feel the same way about books. A kindle will never fully replace my bookshelf groaning under the weight of real books x

    1. Thanks! Yeah I don't think I could ever replace proper books with digital versions, just doesn't feel right to me! x


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