December Empties / Products I've Used Up

Sunday, 23 December 2012

So here it is, the last Empties post of the year.  Thought I'd put this up a little early so that I can pop them all in the recycling bin before it's xmas.  These are the products that I managed to finish up in December and whether I would repurchase them again:-

Amie Spring Clean Cooling Clay Mask* (reviewed here)
Love this face mask - it clears up any blemishes quickly and makes my skin feel wonderfully clean and clear.  Repurchase?  Yes.

Yardley English Lavender Luxury Body Wash
I've had this lingering around in my bathroom since March when it came in a Joliebox and I've been slowly using it up ever since.  It's not my favourite lavender scent in the world (a bit too 'powdery' for my liking), so I just used the rest up in recent baths.  Repurchase?  No.

Davines Authentic Moisturising Balm
So sad to see my last tube of this get used up!  I used it as an intensive hair treatment and loved how soft it made my hair feel.  Repurchase?  Yes, I'll pick up a full size when I've used up some other hair masks.

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm
This is the original cooling peppermint formula that Burt's Bees are famous for.  Personally I prefer their Honey formulas more, but this was still nice to use.  Repurchase?  Maybe.

Essential Care Organic Calendula Balm* (reviewed here)
A great multi-purpose all natural and organic balm that can be used on any dry/chapped bits.  This little tub lasted ages!  Repurchase?  I have lots of multipurpose balms in my current stash, but it's certainly something I'd pick up again in the near future.

Clinique All About Eyes
I like this eye cream a lot and have gone through a couple of pots of it in the last two years.  It's a good, everyday eye cream and one to try out if you haven't before.  Repurchase?  I fancy a change so as this was my last pot, I've decided to switch to using Korres' Evening Primrose Eye Cream at the mo.

Dermasalve Body Cream* (reviewed here)
Another product I've had in my bathroom for a while.  This was OK and something I used when I experienced eczema flare ups, but I much prefer LUSH's Dream Cream and Barefoot's SOS Body Lotion to this.  Repurchase?  No.

balance Me Rose Otto Body Wash
Love the delicate rose/turkish delight scent of this and it's one of my favourite natural body washes to use.  Repurchase?  Yes, but only as a treat as it's a little pricey.

Barry M Lip Gloss Wand in Toffee (reviewed/swatched here)
Another favourite product that I've used up is this lip gloss from Barry M.  Smells and tastes just like toffee and is a gorgeous nude shade with a little shimmer.  Repurchase?  Already have!

Have you used up any products this month?  
Feel free to link to your empties posts below!

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  1. I really want to try something from Balance Me x

  2. I really miss my Davines Moisturising Balm. As soon as I get through a few more hair masks I'll definitely repurchase.

    1. I hear that - I'll definitely be picking one up when my hair mask stash has gone down xx

  3. Ooo you have some fab products there. I don't think I've tried any except for the Amie Mask.

    I recently posted about my empties, would love it if you'd check it out: Thanks xx

  4. Ooh that Barry M lip gloss sounds lovely! I really should do an empties post x

    1. It really is! Would love to see you do one Daniella :) x

  5. I love Balance Me Rose Otto Body Wash x

  6. So many empties! The Barry M lipgloss sounds fab and I totally agree with you about the Burt's Bees lip balms, the honey ones are better! x

    1. Glad it's not just me who likes the honey ones better! x

  7. I can honestly say I have never tried any of those products lo, but I have to try Barry M. I only heard great things :D

    I really like your blog, and I was hoping we could follow each other? I am already following you :D

    Have a merry christmas

    1. It's a fab lip gloss and super cheap too :)
      Thanks, have added your blog to my reader xx

  8. I love reading empties posts! I wanted to do one for Dec too but realised I'd thrown half of the empty containers away in a mass clean out. Looking forward to Jan's! I love seeing how many products I can use up and also seeing what other people have finished and their thoughts on each product x

    1. Me too, they're some of my favourite posts to read! Looking forward to seeing yours in Jan too :) x

  9. Hey ! I just love this post of yours. You have great style. I am following. I hope you can check out my site: and follow. Thanks for your time. I will definitely be back to see more.

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  10. I really liked the amie face mask too. x

    1. Great isn't it? I've got another sachet but when that's used up I'm going to buy the full size tube of it x

  11. I've been emptying a lot of skin care, make up...not so much! I wish for the day I finish a make up product completely besides powders and foundations! I wish I had Barry M products nearer to me! I'd grab a whole bunch of their things! ^^

  12. Whenever I read one of your posts with lots of products in it I always see something I like the sound/look of :-) this time it's the Barry M lip gloss! xx

    1. I love that lip gloss, one of my all time favs! xx

  13. I'm using the Korres Primrose eye cream as well and quite liked it!
    Wonderful empties to end the year! I always enjoy reading your posts! Happy New Year!

    1. I like it so far too, seems to be doing the job in this cold weather! Thanks so much Jayne, you too! x

  14. I would love to try the Balance Me Rose Body Wash at some point. I love the scent of rose, and this wash sounds lovely.

    1. It really is lovely, when I've used up some of my other shower gels, I'll definitely be treating myself to a full size bottle xx

  15. I didn't finished as much products as like I did back in November, but I think I'm doing okay in December. Here's my December empties post:



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