In love with a water bottle? Meet my Bobble!

Monday, 22 October 2012

I know what you're thinking - I've gone completely insane - what the hell am I doing writing a post about a plastic bottle?!  But this is no ordinary bottle, it's an eco-friendly Bobble and I love it! 

A Bobble is basically a refillable plastic bottle that you put tap water into.  Not too exciting right?  Well, the exciting part is all in that bright pink filter, which filters the tap water as you drink it.  See, genius!

I've seen these around for a while and it's just one of those products that I wish I had bought straight away.  I ordered mine off Amazon about a week ago and I'm so happy to finally have one.  They come in a variety of sizes (mine is the standard 550ml, you can also purchase them in a smaller 385ml and a bigger 1 litre bottle) and I think there's also the option to buy it as a jug for your fridge too.  There's also a range of different colour filters you can buy too, so don't worry if pink's not your thing.

Each Bobble comes with an activated carbon filter which removes chlorine and any organic contaminants from regular tap water so that it actually tastes better as you drink it.  A filter lasts up to two months of regular use (or 150 litres of water to be exact) and when it's used up, you simply replace it, but use the same bottle.

The bottle itself is made from recycled plastic, is BPA-free and replaces around 300 single serve plastic bottles of water.  I think that's pretty amazing considering how much plastic I used to waste buying a new bottle with my lunch everyday (I'd recycle them where possible, but it's still best to use something that can be re-used in the first place), PLUS the expensive of doing so.

Although there's the intital cost of the Bobble at around £10, just think about how much money you'll save over the two months - mine will have already paid for itself in just over one week's worth of use!  I think these would also make interesting xmas gifts this year.

One thing I would mention is do be careful not to squeeze too hard on the bottle - because it's made of recycled BPA-free plastic, it's not as thick as a traditional plastic bottle so just treat it carefully and it'll most certainly last you for months to come!

Do you have a Bobble?  

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  1. That's such a cute and good idea. Never heard of a bobble before but going to have a look on amazon now for one. x

  2. I've always wondered about these! I am getting one now! Thanks for the heads up!

  3. This is a great idea. I hate tap water so it's nice it filters it, I always go for bottled water.


    1. It definitely improves the taste - I don't like the taste of tap water either, especially as I live in a hard water area x

  4. Yay! Welcome to the world of water Bobbles :) I wrote a post on these a while ago - I think they are great & eco-friendly! And when you need a new filter you can switch the colour! :) xx

    1. I love it! I think I might get the lilac filter next time :) xx

  5. OMG, I've seen these quite a few times and been tempted to get one. I might actually get one of these because I end up spending so much on water and like you said would deffo save on this as it's only a tenner :)


    1. Definitely! I've saved loads since getting it :)

  6. Ooooh this looks interesting. Will look into it :) x

  7. I've seen these in stores and always walk past them thinking "I'll get one next time..."
    My water bottle is about to go atm, so I think I'll pick one up when I'm next at the shops!

  8. I've been thinking about getting one of these for ages - i love the pink colour!

  9. I love the name of this, I've seen these in stores and always wondered about these! I think they're such a good idea
    Daniella x

  10. My friend has one of these! It's a great way to be environmentally friendly and also improve the quality of tap water to drink :)

    1. Definitely! I've never liked the taste of tap water because I live in a hard water area so it's great to be able to drink it now :)

  11. Wow, this is so smart! I want one for christmas, our tap water is iccccky.

    The Style Rawr!

  12. oohhhh, I have been wanting one of these for some time, but I read it makes 'noises' when you drink... is it true? Most definitely considering it as christmas presents... great idea!! xx

    1. It makes a sort of a 'hissing' noise as the water goes through the filter, but to be honest I don't really notice it that much now because I use it so often. I think they'd make great xmas gifts - I'll definitely be getting some to give this year :) xx


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