Review: Neal's Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Body Lotion & Busy Bee Balm

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Taking an interest the environment has always been a passion of mine, especially as I currently study Environmental Science part-time.  One of the most alarming discoveries in recent years has been the worldwide decline of bees which directly threatens our entire ecosystem and our current way of life.  It's vital to save bees, so I was really happy to see one of Britain's most well known (and loved!) organic and natural highstreet brands, Neal's Yard Remedies, launching their Bee Lovely and Help Save The Bees Campaign for a second year running.  I was very kindly sent two products from their Bee Lovely range to try out.

 Neal's Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Body Lotion (295ml, £21, link)*

The NYR Bee Lovely range features a range of products which are suitable for the whole family to use and everything has a gorgeous citrus orange scent to it.  The Bee Lovely Body Lotion comes in a large size bottle (just under 300ml) and has a handy pump dispenser for easy application.  The lotion itself is non-greasy, absorbs into the skin immediately and is very hydrating due to the organic honey content.  That orange scent lingers for a few hours and makes me feel uplifted and happy whenever I use it.  Perfect for those early mornings!  

Like the rest of the NYR range, the Bee Lovely Body Lotion is BUAV approved and free from a wide range of chemical nasties (full list here).  It's also 94% organic (Soil Association Accredited).

Neal's Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Busy Bee Balm (15g, £6.50, link)*

Of course you couldn't have a campaign centered around bees without a beeswax balm of some kind!  The Bee Lovely Busy Bee Balm is a wonderful multi-purpose balm that can be used on lips, cuticles and any other dry bits when they need some nourishing TLC.  This one is 99% organic and features a moisturising blend of organic cocoa butter and beeswax.  As mentioned above, it also has that lovely citrusy orange scent and flavour, yum!

I was also sent a packet of Wildflower Seed Mix which I will be planting, and a copy of their mini information book which is full of facts and has a range of helpful tips that everyone can do to help save the bees.

Neal's Yard Remedies also have an online petition that you can sign here to urge the UK government to follow suit with other European countries in banning neonicotinoids (a very harmful pesticide) which have been linked to the dramatic decline in the bee population.

For more information on the Bee Lovely campaign and to view/purchase the full range of Bee Lovely products simply visit Neal's Yard Remedies online or pop into one of their shops.  5% of the RRP of each Bee Lovely product will be donated to one of the charities and organisations whom NYR are working closely with for the campaign to save the bees.

Have you heard of the Bee Lovely Campaign?  Will you be supporting it by purchasing a product and/or signing the petition?

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*PR samples
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  1. The scent of these sound lovely. I really like the sound of the balm. x

    1. It is so lovely, I can't stop wanting to smell it! x

  2. I've signed up to the Bee petition before, I think its such a good idea- the Neal's Yard beeswax lip balm sounds so nice! (I think 'Burt's Bees' should get involved too as it's their name!)
    Daniella x

    1. Cool, happy to hear you've signed :) I agree, I would love to see more brands get involved in campaigns like this! x

  3. I've got my eyes set on this lotion too.. sounds lovely!!! great initiative about the bees, too. x

    1. It is a gorgeous body lotion, I love the scent so much :) x

  4. Woow! u make great review and take AWESOME photos!!!

  5. Have you ever posted about how you decided on uni courses? :)
    I think I've read Sandra's posts about this brand. Packaging and message are both lovely!

    xx Veronica

    1. I haven't, but it's something I might do in the future :)

      They are lovely! xx

  6. The scent really does sound lovely. I think saving the bees is very important. I worked with a company who had a save the bees campaign so I got to write all about their decline and what would happen to us if they were disappear entirely. (It's an end of the world scenario, type of thing.)

    Thanks for sharing I might pop in and grab some of this on my lunch break today.

    1. It's pretty terrifying isn't it? I don't think the general public know much about it, but I do hope campaigns like this one and the one you worked on help to raise more awareness.

  7. Great review! I've never heard about this company :) Saving the bees, and all animals, is important, they give us honey! :D I've signed up to the petition

    1. Thanks for reading and signing the petition! :)


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