Joliebox - August

Saturday, 25 August 2012

 Joliebox (£10 + P&P per month, link)

I was about to pop into the shower this morning when a Yodel courier knocked on the door, looked briefly amused that I was in my dressing gown and then handed over my Joliebox.  I couldn't wait to open it.  It's a good one this month!

This month's box comes in various special edition coloured designs by Timai Hua and is themed around summer holidays.  The first item I pulled out was Phil Smith Be Gorgeous Dry Clean Revitalising Dry Shampoo in a handbag friendly 75ml can.  I'm excited to give this a go because I've been trying to find a dry shampoo that works for me for such a long time, so fingers crossed for this one.

Next up we have three sample 'pillows' of Dr Bronner's Pure Castile Soap in Citrus Orange, Unscented Baby Mild and 18-in-1 Peppermint.  I've used this before in the Rose and Tea Tree scents, and it's seriously amazing stuff.  It's an all natural multi-purpose liquid soap which can be used as a shower wash, in your bath, a hand soap, a face wash and a shampoo, as well as being used to wash your make-up brushes, dishes, clothes, and even floors!   

Packaged in a Agent Provocateur style pale pink box with a cute butterfly on top, is a So Susan Cosmetics Lip Cushion.  It's a sheer glittery lip gloss/balm that smells of fruity fake strawberries.  I got the shade Crush and a quick swipe of it feels quite moisturizing on, but it is super sheer as you'd expect.

Another So Susan Cosmetics item included is this Wide Awake Face Palette which is pretty nifty to find in a beauty box!  The palette contains an illuminating cream, highlighting cream, eyebrow sculptor powders, tweezers and a brow brush.  I've briefly swatched the creams and they seem pretty good, though the eyebrow powders are shimmery which is kinda odd?!

Lastly there's a Cut By Fred Leather Hair Styling Tie in a gorgeous blue and a free song download by the band The Nodz.  A great box this month Joliebox!

Did you get a Joliebox today?

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  1. Wow amazing box this month! Wish I still got it :( but after 2 no show boxes I had to cancel. Xx

    1. I don't blame you - I think a lot of people have cancelled recently from what I've seen on Twitter, so they seem to have stepped up their game considerably with this month's box! xx

  2. This does look fab, I'd love to try joliebox.

    1. I'm generally really happy with my Jolieboxes, there's always products in there that I want to try :)

  3. Ah this box looks great, but I cancelled after receiving my June box at the end of July. Annoyed I did now, what a shame
    Daniella x

    1. Don't blame you for cancelling, I hope they've taken all of the cancellations on board and sort out their shipping issues! x

  4. This looks like a really good box! Love the look of the palette, except the top eyebrow shade looks like an odd one for use on your brows, do you not think?! I thought they were eyeshadows at first, which I guess they could double up for.
    Usually with beauty boxes I'm like "yeah that looks nice" but not overly bothered that I didn't get it.. this box makes me sad I'm not subscribed! Haha xx

    1. Yeah the eyebrow powders in the palette are WEIRD! I tried out the bottom shade earlier and it's just far too shimmery! Might give them a go as eyeshadows though. It is a great box though this month! xx

  5. That palette looks really pretty! I love cream products but have rarely seen them included in a palette, though it is odd that the eyebrow powders are shimmery :S Perhaps you could use them instead as eyeshadows depending on their texture?

    1. I think I will do, I tried out the bottom shade earlier on my brows and just looked plain weird because of the shimmer, so strange! x

  6. Brilliant box! I love the Dr Bronners liquid soaps too. I've only tried the tea-tree version but want the peppermint one next.

    1. They're great aren't they? I was so pleased to see the samples in this box because I'd been meaning to try out some of the other scents :) xx

  7. Amazing items!

    I'm running a giveaway right now by the way! Enter if you want to! :)

  8. Aweome pictures! I didnt know that the butterfly popped out of the top of the box. I said in my review that I rendered the box a little pointless but this is cute. Also, don't drop the palette! I shattered my eyebrow block! :( Bit odd that they are glittery I must admit. Maybe they wanted to be able to double them up as eyeshadows! xxo

    1. Thanks Helena! It is quite cute, mine came already like that so perhaps yours was just pushed back in when it was being shipped? Oh no! Yeah see if you can still use them as eyeshadows, I'm going to try that later because they look really strange on my brows being so shimmery! xxx

  9. Nice box - the hair lace is a nice touch! Also, the mini palette looks pretty but never heard of this brand before. Xx

    1. It is! I'm not too good at creating fancy updos, but I'm sure I'll find a use for it as a headband perhaps? I saw someone mention on Twitter that So Susan is made by the same people as Jelly Pong Pong if you've heard of them? xx

  10. I love the look of that Wide Awake palette!! Never seen So Susan here in that UK only or do I just live under a rock??

    xx Veronica

    1. I've not heard of So Susan either, I saw someone mention on Twitter that So Susan is made by the same people who do Jelly Pong Pong if you've heard of them? Not sure if they're international or not though xx

  11. I'm quite pleased with mine some interesting bits to try :) x

    1. Always good when you get a box with products that you want to try :) x

  12. I really liked mine too, my palette was broken, however i emailed them and they put a new one in the post straight away so I'm happy :) xx

    A Scholar Life

    1. That's good, I've had items arrive broken during transit in the past and they've been pretty quick with replacements :) xx

  13. Mine still hasn't arrived which i'm a bit miffed about. I wont get it till Tuesday now, even though it's only 45 minutes up the road in a depot somewhere and has been since 4:20am!

    The eyebrow shades looks strange, wonder if they could be used as eyeshadows, are they just ordinary powders?


    1. That's super annoying! :( Hope you get it on Tuesday. They're powders but with shimmer so I found they looked really strange when used on my brows and none of the shades really matched me either, so I'm going to give them a go as eyeshadows x

  14. Great box - I love the look of the lip balm and the brow kit :) xx

  15. joliebox seem to cater to more than just beauty, the hair tie looks kinda interesting :) x

    1. they do, they always seem to have a good mix of products in their boxes :) x

  16. I'm so disappointed in the palette! Have you used it yet? x

    See my review at

    1. I've tried the eyebrow powders and wasn't impressed with those being so shimmery! Haven't tried the creams properly yet, are they rubbish? x


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