Review: LUSH Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask

Sunday, 15 July 2012

I picked up this tub of Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask in my recent LUSH haul and I don't think I've ever added a product to my HG list so quickly.  This stuff is amazing! 

Packed full of fresh blueberries (antioxidant) and combined with irish moss gel (softening), almond oil (moisturising), rose absolute and chamomile essential oils (to do away with any redness and irritation), this mask provides a thorough deep cleanse of the skin and gets rid of any impurities, whilst at the same time calming it and leaving it feeling happy again.

To use, I apply a thin and even layer to cleansed dry skin.  It instantly feels soothing and you can imagine your skin going 'Ooooooh!' as it soaks in all of that goodness.  I leave it on for about 15 minutes to do its magic and then rinse it off with warm water.  My skin looks and feels amazing afterwards, clean and clear without any tightness.

My go-to mask from LUSH has long been Cupcake, that wonderful chocolate one for oily/troubled skin.  I still use that one to clear up breakouts, but Catastrophe Cosmetic is great to use for when my skin is throwing a hissy fit and is looking clogged and dull due to being stressed and dehydrated.  It's the combination of clearing up my skin, whilst also calming it down which makes this truly worthy of its newly awarded HG status!

Have you tried this?  What's your favourite LUSH face mask?

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  1. I haven't tried this before but now I really want to! xx

  2. I really want to try this :) x

  3. Thanks for the review Evelyn! I was awaiting this after reading your haul post. Now I really want to buy this mask! :)

    xx Veronica

  4. Love the Mask too ,a great Product :)

    Happy Sunday ,kisses

  5. I've just bought Cosmetic Warrior and can't wait to try it!x

    1. Is that the garlicky one? Have always wanted to try that, hope you review it :) x

  6. I really want to try a face mask from Lush xx

    A Scholar Life

  7. I am currently using the Love Lettuce one which I love but I think I'll pick this one up next time! Love Lush face masks --- I don't know what I ever did without them!

    1. I also really like Love Lettuce, it's fab! Me either, I find myself using them at least a couple of times a month and my skin always seems to thank me for it!

  8. Replies
    1. it is! definitely pop in Lush and ask them for a sample of it :) x

  9. Love, love, love Catastrophe Cosmetic :) One of my absolute faves xo

  10. oo ive never tried a lush mask, i really want to now after reading that!! hehe!

    1. if you have a Lush near you, I'd certainly recommend popping in and asking them for a few samples to try out, the staff are always so helpful :)

  11. This sounds great! I've really want to try one out now! I have always steered clear of lush masks, just because they're a little more expensive than others, and they have a relatively short use by date, which has put me off because it means I have to buy them more often, but I guess it's okay every once in a while for a treat right?!... ;) haha
    Eleanor x

    1. Yeah you do have to use each pot in three weeks because they don't have any preservatives, but if you fancy trying one out, I'd say pop into a Lush shop and ask for some sample :) x

  12. Need to try this one! I haven't sampled any of the LUSH face masks but I really like the sound of the ingredients in this one, very soothing and effective :)

    1. It is, I think it's the abundance of blueberries in this one which makes it so effective, along with everything else :)

  13. I've heard so much about the LUSH face masks but never got round to trying them! This one sounds amazing. definitely want to pick it up when I'm next passing. :)

    Grace x

    1. Cool, let me know what you think if you try it! :) x

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is! Happy to hear you love it too Bree! :) xx

  15. I LOVE (and rave reviewed) this facemask too - it's divine! I have to restrain myself from using it on a daily basis!

    Bree xx

  16. This looks like an amazing face mask heard so many good things! really want to get it now! how many uses do you get out of one pot? thank you!xoxo

    1. Hi Alisha, I usually get about 5 or 6 uses out of one pot so it's pretty good value! xx


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