Review: Everyday Minerals Small Face Brush Set

Monday, 9 July 2012

I have been a longtime fan of Everyday Minerals and have used their brushes frequently over the last few years.  They were one of the very first brands that I experimented with make-up wise, and I was very happy to hear of them coming to the UK via
No more expensive shipping charges, hooray!

The make-up from Everyday Minerals is 100% natural, organic, suitable for vegans, kind to sensitive skin and cruelty free (BUAV approved).  They may be well known for their minerals, but their synthetic brushes with bamboo handles are becoming more and more popular with eco-conscious consumers too.

I was kindly sent their Small Face Brush Set* to try out.  The set comprises of three full sized brushes and comes in a handy cotton drawstring travel bag.  In the set are the following:-

Double Ended Foundation and Concealer Brush - A great 2 in 1 brush to take travelling with you. One end has a traditional flat foundation brush, ideal to using with any liquid foundation or tinted moisturiser.  The opposite end has a traditional flat concealer brush which is perfect to use with liquid or mineral concealers under the eyes and to cover up any blemishes.

Long Handled Kabuki - Instead of your usual short kabuki, this one offers a longer handle for more control and ease of use.   The synthetic bristles are super soft but dense enough to allow you to build up coverage with your mineral foundation or bronzer.  I have used the short kabuki from Everyday Minerals for a long time and although I still reach for it, I've been using this one more recently for applying both bronzer and translucent powder, and have been loving the results.  You get a really even, professional finish from using this.

Dome Blush Brush -  The domed shaped head on this brush lends itself perfectly for applying any powder blushers.  It's also great to use with bronzer and for subtle contouring too.  Like all of the other brushes, the bristles are incredibly soft.

Close-up of Everyday Minerals Long Handled Kabuki Brush

Close-up of Everyday Minerals Dome Blush Brush

Summary: These brushes are excellent quality and unbelievably soft and gentle on the face.  From past experience with Everyday Minerals brushes, I can personally say that I've never had any issues with any of mine shedding in the past and I've had mine perhaps three years now and they still look good as new!  They wash well, but do take a little longer to dry after a deep clean (best to leave them out on a flat towel for 24 hours).  Great brushes to invest in if you're looking to add to your collection or start one.

*PR sample

Everyday Minerals make-up and brushes are now available to purchase in the UK from   

Have you tried anything from Everyday Minerals?

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  1. I have the kabuki brush and it's great! The rest of them sound really nice too!

  2. Love a brand that you can feel good about supporting! The close-up shots are great-they kind of remind me of a hedgehog! >.<

    xx Veronica

    1. Me too, always nice to find that in the beauty world! Hehe they do! xx

  3. oooh, these look really awesome! i love anything that's organic. however, i have never seen this brand before! maybe it's the english version of ecotools -- they're very similar brands, i think. not sure if you guys have ecotools across the ocean, but they're pretty wonderful!


    1. We do get Ecotools over here, I love them! :)

  4. These look really good!! Especially the blusher brush, lovely bristles. Xx

    1. They're fantastic, super soft bristles :) xx

  5. I've never heard of this product before, but they look great. The Kabuki looks so soft, will deffo check them out next time I'm on CC.


    1. The Kabuki is so soft, so lovely to use! xxx

  6. I dont think I've ever heard of Everyday Minerals. Really like the look of the kabuki.

    1. They're well worth checking out, I think this is the first time they've been launched in the UK, but they've always seemed very popular with US bloggers :) xx

  7. They look amazing, i cant wait to try the one you send me

  8. Oh I haven't heard of these brushes before but I do like the look of this set! And they are cruelty free too - bonus! I do need a good kabuki brush! x

    1. It's a great set, the kabuki is a fantastic brush! x

  9. トリーバーチ バッグは柔らかい素材を採用して、今世紀一番注目される逸品、表面のロゴマークはとても印象深いです、見た目だけで沢山の女性を魅入られる。実用性とファション性を兼ね揃え、素晴らしいデザインは女性のみ魅力を最大限に表現し、大人らしさがたっぷりあります。トリーバーチ トートは収納力も抜群、ガンガンものを入れても大丈夫、もし出かけるならこれは持つべきアイテムです。

  10. They just look so fluffy and soft! Another brand I shall be trying because you make them sound aamazing :D


    1. They're well worth trying out, you won't be disappointed! :) x


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