Summer Essentials: Beauty Products for Hayfever

Monday, 25 June 2012

The sun has finally decided to come out and play!  But along with it comes the accompanying high pollen counts sadly.  I don't often complain about the sunshine, as I've always preferred hot weather to cold, but I do suffer from hayfever and it can be a BITCH at times!  So when the pollen goes up, I find myself adding an extra couple of beauty products to my everyday make-up bag in order to help cover up some of the symptoms of hayfever.  I don't think I've seen many posts like this about, so I thought it may be helpful to those who might feel a bit self conscious during hayfever season.

Blink & Go Long Lasting Mascara - A good waterproof mascara is a must for most people during the hotter months, but even more so for hayfever sufferers.  With all that sneezing going on, if you're going to wear mascara, make sure you pick one that won't leave you with smeary panda eyes.

Barry M Shimmering Eye and Lip Crayon in 01 - I often dab a bit of a light, champagney colour on my inner eye area to make me look more awake, and find myself doing this more often when hayfever strikes.  It just helps to lessen the tired look you get when you've been sneezing.

Liz Earle Eyebright Soothing Eye Lotion* - Oh boy, do I wish someone had given me a bottle of this when I was younger!  This is so useful for refreshing red and sore eyes.  It's a very gentle herbal lotion that cleanses and tones the eye area.  You put a small amount on a cotton wool pad and sweep it over closed eyes to revitalise and refresh.  It's lovely and soothing, exactly what I need when hayfever has made my eyes look awful!  This is still worth checking out even if you don't have hayfever because it reduces puffiness and removes light make-up too.

Everyday Minerals Mint Color Corrector - A very clever make-up trick can be achieved by using this simple green powder to cover up any redness on your face.  This is particularly good around the nose area.  Apply your usual concealer over the top of it and you're good to go.

Hay Max - A friend introduced me to Hay Max about two years ago and I always have a pot of it with me during spring and summer.  It's basically an all natural balm that you apply at the base of your nose and it acts as a pollen barrier, trapping it before it reaches you.  It doesn't completely stop me from sneezing, but I definitely sneeze less when I use this.  The one I have has a slight Lavender fragrance and you can also get it in Aloe Vera and unscented.

Do you use any beauty products to help with hayfever?

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  1. Thanks for the great ideas!

    This is the first hayfever related beauty post I've seen. I suffer really bad with hayfever along with many other allergies. That Hay Max looks good, I'll have to see if I can get hold of it :)

    Laura xx

    1. Glad you found it helpful, I thought I'd write one because I couldn't find anything similar when I was looking for this theme. I always get my Hay Max from Holland and Barrett, they have a mix and match B1G1F deal on at the mo :) xx

  2. Great post! :)

    Not exactly beauty but I always carry Kleenex Balsam Pocket Tissues with me when my hay fever strikes. They're so soft on your nose which helps to keep it chap free and therefore reduce redness. Can't recommend enough!

    I've been lucky that it's rained during my peak so I haven't had it bad for the first year in forever. It was such a relief! x


    1. Thanks! I love those Balsam tissues, always have them in my bag :) x

  3. I suffer badly from hay fever, a waterproof mascara is definitely a must :) x

    1. Definitely! I don't think I'd bother to wear mascara in summer unless it was waterproof :) x

  4. Great post! I suffer quite badly with hayfever and puffy eyes, so I've asked for the Liz Earle Eyebright for my Birthday in August, glad to hear it works! I will definitely be keeping an eye open for Hay Max too, where can you buy it from? xXx

    1. Thanks! I always get my Hay Max from Holland and Barrett, they have a mix and match deal on at the mo too. Hope the Eyebright works as well for you as it does for me! xx

  5. I suffer from hay fever too. I absolutely love Liz Earle's Eye Bright. I tired the Hay Max but didn't find it made any difference and I didn't like the feel of it on my skin, so I stopped using it.

    1. Eye Bright is great isn't it? Sorry to hear Hay Max didn't work for you, it seems to be one of those hit and miss things I'm afraid x

  6. Is hayfever when you get red bumps all over

    1. No, it's when pollen gets into your airways and causes like an allergic reaction, so you sneeze loads, your eyes water and go red, that kinda thing x

  7. I suffer from terrible hay fever. I have had sore eyes all day, and I could have wept when I caught sight of my puffy red face half way through the day. I love both Liz Earle and Essential minerals but have not tried these products. I could have used them today! Thanks for sharing.x

    1. Hope they help! I know how embarassing it can be when you're out and about and your face goes like that :( x

  8. I've also started using the liz Earle lotion to refresh my eyes. It works very well and I'm definitely less itchy. Hay max is also great, such a simple idea but effective.... Hay fever can be a torture!!! :( x

    1. it can :( do love the Eyebright and Hay Max, they're products I can't imagine being without now! x

  9. I love the products!
    follwo eachtoher?
    kisses from denmark

  10. I dont have hayfever but love the sound of the colour corrector.

    1. it's really useful if you have any redness on your face, just make sure to blend/buff it in well :) x

  11. oh my goodness -- i'm reading through your blog and i feel like we're so similar -- from the layout to the love of d.i.y. things to the love of vintage and charity shops. maybe that's just me being creepy, i don't know. but i DO know that i love your blog, and i am now subscribed!


  12. Really want to try Liz Earle products, that eye lotion sounds lovely and refreshing. The Hay Max certainly seems handy, I wouldn't even have known a product like it exists :)

    1. I know, I wouldn't have known about Hay Max either if it wasn't for my friend :)
      Eyebright is lovely, certainly recommend it! x

  13. Hello dear, thank you for your lovely comment!
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    wish you the best! <3

    1. hiya, your GFC button doesn't seem to be working, have added you manually to the google blog reader :)

  14. I've been using the Liz Earle soothing eye lotion to combat my hayfever eyes too! It's stopped them going all puffy this year, so glad I bought it!x


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