June Empties

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

It's that time again!  Here are my empties for June and whether I would repurchase them:-
  •  The Body Shop Coconut Body Scrub - Although I adore anything coconut scented (and this does smell good), I thought this scrub wasn't very effective at all.  It's more like a shower smoothie and has these tiny bits in it that just don't exfoliate anything.  Repurchase? No.
  • Lush The Olive Branch Shower Gel - I always seem to have a small bottle of this in my bathroom and like to use it every now and again for a change.  Repurchase? Yes.
  • KMS California Free Shape Quick Blow Dry Spray - Love this, it does what it says it'll do and is lightweight on the hair.  Repurchase? Yes, definitely will get a full size.
  • The Body Shop Vitamin E Tinted Moisture Lotion - I do like this because it moisturises well and gives pretty good coverage for a tinted product, but I feel it's better suited to dry skin types because it can feel a bit too greasy on my oily/combination skin, especially in summer.  Repurchase? Maybe in Winter.
  • Clinique Superbalm Moisturizing Gloss in 09 Currant - Nice sheer gloss, a little sticky though.  Repurchase? I wouldn't buy a full size, but I would pick up another sample.
  • Clinique All About Eyes Eye Cream - Lovely to use at night as it's very rich and super hydrating.  Repurchase? Already have another sample.
  • LJ's Natural Solutions Balancing Organic Moisturiser* - This was too heavy for my skin so I used it up as a night cream and it was great for that.  I imagine it would work really well for dry skin.  Repurchase? No.
  • Jurlique Purely White Skin Brightening Cleanser - Loved this sample, my skin did look brighter after just one use.  Repurchase? Yes, I think I would buy a full size.
  • Montagne Jeunesse Sauna Masque - One of the best budget beauty buys out there, this is simply amazing for only 99p!  Has a warming effect which draws out any impurities clogged in your pores and always makes my skin look really clean afterwards.  Ideal if you're prone to breakouts.  Repurchase? Yes!

  • Percy Reed Spendidly Silky Moisturising Conditioner - Didn't hydrate my hair, it made it even drier, hated it!  Used it up as shaving cream instead.  Repurchase? No!
  •  Witch Anti-Blemish Skin Clearing Primer - I like this a lot as I find it really works well for oily skin and creates a barrier that prevents make-up from breaking you out.  Repurchase? Yes, but not for a while as I'm using Benefit's The POREfessional at the moment.
  • Dead Sea Spa Magik Silky Smooth Body Lotion - Lovely formula that sinks into the skin straight away, but it doesn't really have a scent.  Repurchase? No.
  • Bodhi Ylang Ylang Incensa Sensual Body Moisturiser* - The scent of this is absolutely divine but I prefer the formula of other body moisturisers more.  Repurchase? Probably not.  I'd rather splash out on the shower gel with the same scent instead.
  • Lavera Basis Sensitive Hand Cream - Great summer hand cream because it's quite light, really like this.  Repurchase? Yes.
  • Weleda Sea Buckthorn Creamy Body Wash - This has a wonderful uplifting citrus scent and was quite moisturising too.  Repurchase? Yes, would buy a full size at some point.
  • Iroisie Ultimate BB Cream SPF 25 - Tried this today and wasn't that keen on it.  Smells quite strongly and was very thick which made it difficult to blend.  Repurchase? No.
Have you used up any beauty products this month?  Link me to your empties posts below!

*PR samples
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  1. The Jurlique cleanser sounds lovely and I want to try something from Bodhi so badly but cant decide what to go for.

    1. I was really impressed by it! Absolutely recommend the Bath & Shower Therapies, my favs are Ylang Ylang Incensa and Jasmine Falls :) x

  2. holy cats -- that's a lot of empties!
    i usually keep my little black pots from lush (you probably know this -- but they have that awesome recycling program where if you bring in 5 pots, you get a free face mask! love it!) otherwise, i don't keep my empties.
    most of these i have never tried/heard of!
    as for the body shop body scrub -- i never purchase body scrubs. i always make my own! my skin really love an olive oil/brown sugar combo -- and i save so much money!


    1. I love Lush's recycling scheme - actually you've just reminded me that I have 5 pots to take in for a face mask! Yay :)
      I agree with you about body scrubs, so many shop brought ones just aren't scrubby enough for me (I like them to be fierce!) and I often make ones from sugar at home instead, they're always good :) x

  3. I love Clinique all about eyes... I can try as many eye creams as I want but I always go back to this one, regularly!!
    I NEED to pick up something from Jurlique... You're making me craving it... hehe ;) this cleanser is definitely sounding good for my skin type. xx

    1. I was really impressed by it, it lathers well and feels quite soapy but it doesn't give you that tight feeling. I always seem to go back to All About Eyes too, I have a couple of samples of it in my stash :) xx

  4. The witch primer sounds fab! I'm going to do an empties post but I haven't posted it yet :) x

    1. it's really great if you have oily skin :) cool, looking forward to seeing your empties! x

  5. Oh well done on so many empties! I haven't uploaded my post yet as I always do it on the first day of the month (always seem to have a few products used up on the last couple of days of the month haha) I have the olive branch in my empties stash to share though! I love that shower gel :) x

    1. it's a fab shower gel, i love how it smells really different from everything else i tend to use. looking forward to seeing your empties too :) x

  6. You have so many products! I like the sound of the Montagne Jeunesse mask and the Clinique eye cream, I usually do an empties post with a good few products but this month I have none yet, I'm so surprised! I do have some things which are almost gone so I'm hoping I can use them up in the next few days because I enjoy writing my empties posts! xx

    1. The MJ mask is really great, you can't go wrong with the price either! Look forward to reading your empties post if you write one :) xx

  7. You use up so much in a month!

    I only have a 3 monthly one: http://confessionsofasecretshopper.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/april-may-june-empties.html

    1. Most of these are products I've had for ages, the Body Shop scrub was from xmas and I've only just managed to finish it :)
      Thanks for the link, will have a read in a mo! x

  8. Oh wow, you managed to get through so much this month hun! I love the Witch primer and find it's great with oily skin :)


    1. It is fantastic for oily skin isn't it? And such a bargain too! xxx

  9. I have the matching lotion for that Body Shop scrub. I may invest in the scrub one day, too :) xo

    1. I've got the matching shower cream on the go too :) x

  10. Holy cow you went through a lot of products! :P I definitely want to try the Clinique eye cream.

    xx Veronica

    1. The Clinique Eye Cream is really good, have been using up some sample pots of that for almost 2 years now, though I'm trying out a Weleda one at the mo xx

  11. I wish the coconut body scrub were mine! ;)
    Please have a look n my blog, maybe we could follow each other? It would mean a lot!


  12. I love the KMS freeshape quick blow dry spray - I'm definitely getting a full size at the hairdressers tomorrow! Love your empties too x

  13. Wow you have a lot of empties!! I really want to try the body shops coconut scrub for summer, loveee coconut!


    1. it smells good, but isn't very scrubby :( x


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