June Books List

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Books I have read in June:-

(1 & 2) Fifty Shades Of Grey & Fifty Shades Darker by E. L. James - I couldn't resist picking these up due to all of the hype surrounding this steamy series.  It's based around two main characters who enter into a BDSM relationship; naive, young, graduate Ana Steele and self made billionaire with issues, Christian Grey.  Cue lots of sex, some bad writing ("My Inner Goddess" anyone?) and more sex, but I loved reading them! Guilty pleasure heaven.  I will read the last book in the trilogy soon but felt I needed a break first *ahem*  [4/5 & 3/5].

(3) You Deserve Nothing by Alexander Maksik - Controversial coming of age story that's emotional and unsettling at times, centered around a sordid teacher/student relationship.  I can see why it's drawn comparisons with both Donna Tartt (though Tartt's prose still blows most things out of the water) and the film Dead Poets Society.   My main reason for giving it 3/5 though is because it seems to be trying way too hard to be clever, and I feel that it could easily have still been an intelligent novel without the excessive 'meaning of life' themes.  [3/5]

(4) Uglies by Scott Westerfield - A YA dystopian novel where children who are 16 have procedures to become 'Pretties', which is vital in a future world that appears to have gone mad. I was disappointed with Uglies, probably because I felt like it was a very young YA, as opposed to the usual more older teen YA stuff that I tend to read.  Didn't get into the story much, which is a shame because I liked the overall concept and it could have been really good if it had been fleshed out more.  [2/5]

(5) The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan - An in depth book which looks at where our food comes from, as well as documenting our history with food and where we're at now.  Pollan has studied the economic, environmental and political issues that surround our overly complex relationship with the foods that we eat every day, so it's an interesting read for anyone wanting to find out more.  [4/5]

(6) Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder - I love fantasy novels like this, where it's not all about remembering endless names and family trees, and instead just cuts straight into the action of the story. Perfect escapism for me!   Loved the storyline (a condemned prisoner, Yelena, is offered the chance to escape her execution, but only by becoming the Commander of Ixia's food taster), and I thought the subtle romance between Yelena and her mentor Valek was nice too.  Will definitely read the next book Magic Study soon.  [4/5]

What books have you read recently?

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  1. I also read Fifty Shades Of Grey and found it to be a guilty pleasure,I haven't picked up the second though x

    1. The second book is good, but the relationship with Ana and Mr Grey takes a different turn so I didn't find it as 'thrilling' as the first, though it's got a lot of drama in it! x

  2. Im a huge reading nut. My prob is I speed read (like a novel in a few hours) and then Im bored looking for more next good book. Thanks for this post Im def checking these ones out:)


    1. I wish I could do that! Let me know what you think if you pick any of these up :)

  3. Shame about Uglies, ive been thinking about reading that lately, think i might pick something else though!x

    1. I'd been wanting to read it for a while but found it disappointing. It is a quick read though if you fancy a flick through x

  4. great reviews! I also loved fifty shades - just starting the third one. x

  5. I am looking for a newbook to read after finishing 50 shades of grey so will take a look at the others you mention. x

    1. cool, let me know what you think if you read any of these :) x

  6. I've been loving the fifty shades series. I'm half way through book three. I want my very own Mr Grey :)

  7. I love the concept of Fifty Shades of Grey but I hate that it's not very well written. I often find myself reading and re-reading whole paragraphs trying to make sense of it. And not the rude bits either before anyone asks haha. But the worst part for me is that she reminds me of Bella and he of Edward from Twilight "/

    1. Yeah I was shocked by how awful the writing was, the repetitive phrases really bugged me! I watched an interview on Youtube with the author where she spoke about how much she loved the Twilight series, so I think it certainly influenced the way she wrote hers x

  8. Poison Study is on my "to read" list, so I'm glad you like it :) Will look forward to more recomendations!

  9. I've just started reading 50 Shades of Grey!



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