Review: LUSH Ceridwen's Cauldron Luxury Bath Melt

Monday, 21 May 2012

Most people who have heard of LUSH will be well aware of their colourful and fun bath bombs that often dominate the shop display windows.  As much as I love those products, I love LUSH's luxury bath melts more.  They are so understated and simple, that I feel they sometimes go under the radar a bit in the blogging world.  To help amend this, today's review is going to be dedicated to my favourite luxury bath melt from LUSH, Ceridwen's Cauldron.

Ceridwen's Cauldron was one of the first products that I ever bought from LUSH and it came highly recommended to me from a friend who used to work there.  I suffer from flare ups of eczema every now and again, so I have to be careful of not using anything that would aggravate it.  Instead, I want something that will soothe it and make my skin happy again.  Ceridwen's Cauldron is quite frankly an amazing product to use if you're in the same boat.  It comes wrapped in a muslin cloth, tied with red ribbon and has a very subtle scent to it (I can mostly smell the cocoa butter).  Packed full of oats, cocoa butter, walnut oil and skin calming herbs, it very slowly melts into your bathwater and is perfect if you enjoy long soaks in the tub.  Once it has all melted, you can use the remaining oats and herbs in the muslin bag as a gentle exfoliant in the shower the next day.  When I get out, my skin always feel softer than it's ever been before and I never have to use any body moisturiser.

Priced at £3.99, this is a great treat for your skin if it's feeling dry and unhappy.  I always enjoy using one of these when I want some relaxing 'me' time.

Have you tried any of the luxury bath melts from LUSH?
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  1. How have I missed these?! I am totally picking some up next time I go to Lush! Thanks for the recommendation girly! XO

    1. Glad it's been helpful to you! Let me know what you think of it, I really love it! xx

  2. Totally agree - this is also one ofmy lush faves!! Xx

  3. I've wanted to try this for ages, it looks lovely xx

  4. ooh another one I've not tried it sounds great! x

  5. I have never been to lush but have heard a lot about their products. So do they use all natural products?

    1. I'd say that most LUSH products are 90% and more natural. They do however use parabens, SLS and things like glitter though, however they always clearly write all of the ingredients on their products, with anything non-natural being written in black. Hope that helps :)


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