Review: Compeed Anti-Blister Stick

Friday, 25 May 2012

I hope everyone is enjoying this absolutely glorious weather we're having at the moment!  I know I certainly am!  I treated myself to a new pair of summery sandals the other day, which were fine when I tried them on in the shop, but agonizingly painful when I got them home and actually tried to walk in them.  I was in two minds to return them but thought they might just need breaking in a bit instead (plus I got them in a sale and they are GORGEOUS!).  I attempted to wear them for most of yesterday to break them in, but nope, they were just hurting too much.  With a sad face, I went along to the local chemist to pick up some plasters for my poor abused feet and saw a display of these sticks, and I was immediately intrigued.

This Compeed Anti-Blister Stick does just what it promises to do; it's a natural based balm like formula that you apply to places on your feet where you get friction from shoes (so, back of the heels etc).  The balm provides an invisible barrier of protection that's no greasy and doesn't mark your shoes.  And it works! EUREKA! No more rubbing on my feet!  It's packaged in a handy handbag sized plastic wind-up tube and doesn't really have a scent.  I got mine on offer for £1.99, but I think most places like Boots might have them on sale for a pound or so more.

Has anyone else tried one of these?
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  1. Ooh, I love buying new summer shoes, but the blisters always become a dampener on the excitement! :( I'm definitely going to buy myself one of these to pop in my handbag.
    Thank you for this post! I'd never heard of it before xx

    1. Glad it was helpful to you! They're very convenient to have in your handbag :) xx

  2. have seen this product but not tried it out - definitely will buy when I get my next pair of sandals as new shoes always rub x

    1. It's very useful to have in your handbag, especially this time of year with our lovely weather :) x

  3. I haven't tried it, it sounds good.

  4. This is a great product!! I always stock up when it's on offer on 3for2... Such a easy concept but genius... Really works magic, innit??! :)

    1. I may have to do the same and stock up when it's on offer, is a great product! x

  5. I'm doing a half marathon this Saturday so might need to invest as last year I ended up using nearly a full pack of the blister plasters! xx

    1. Might be handy for you to try! Good luck with the half-marathon :)


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