Currently Using: Hair Masks & Treatments

Monday, 14 May 2012

I thought I'd do a quick post on what hair masks/treatments I'm using at the moment, as my hair has been in need of a little TLC recently, and this crazy hot/sunny/raining/hail/cold weather has not been helping matters.  There was a time when my bathroom was literally full of hair products, but over the last year or so I've managed to cut down on stuff and make myself use up things, instead of having half full tubes and pots everywhere!  I currently have four products that are in rotation:-

Inecto Pure Coconut Intensely Hydrating Hair Repair Treatment -  My hair will generally love anything that has coconut oil in it as it's perfect for making it soft and manageable.  I use this one from Inecto for weekly maintenance and it does the job well, without overloading my hair.  A great budget beauty buy too, I believe this is just under £3 for 150ml and it smells SO good!

Percy Reed Totally TLC Hydrating Mask - I've only used this twice since getting it as a Glamour magazine freebie last month, but so far I like the results that it gives.  I find that I only need to use a small amount and I end up with shiny, sleek hair.  Only downside I've found is that if you use too much, you do get some product build up, so less is definitely more with this.

Lush Jasmine and Henna Fluff Eaze - This is proper HG stuff, I can't recommend it enough!  If I need my hair to look incredible, I will use this straight away.  It's a pre-wash hair 'moisturiser' which you leave on dry hair for about 20 minutes and then shampoo out.  It makes my hair so wonderfully soft and shiny every single time, that I've repurchased this more times than I care to remember.  The scent is a bit on the strong side and it does linger, so if you're not sure whether you like the smell of Jasmine or not, then I'd suggest getting a sample from Lush first before buying a whole pot. Personally I really love it!  I save this for special occasions as you need to use about 1/4-1/2 of the pot if you have past shoulder length/medium thick hair like I do and it's £11.50 a pot, but seriously worth every penny in my humble opinion!

Pure Fiji Nourishing Exotic Coconut Oil - A new addition to my haircare routine has been this blended coconut oil which I got a sample of in last month's Joliebox.  I use a teeny amount of this on my dry ends once a week (leaving it on for half an hour and then shampooing it out) and it's helped to keep my hair looking healthy instead of damaged and frizzy.

What are your favourite hair masks and treatments?

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  1. I love my Macadamia Mask, it smells amazing and leaves my hair so soft.

    Check out my giveaway-

    1. I love the Macadamia Hair Mask, definitely going to get a pot once one of these has ran out!

  2. I want to try the Inecto one as I love coconut scents and the Lush one sounds amazing! Both are going on my to buy list! (not at the moment though!) I also got the P&R one - not tried it yet. Also love the Pure Fiji oil. I'm currently using macadamia and pantene 2 min deep shine mask x

    1. The Lush one is seriously good! Really want to get a pot of the Macadamia one when I've used one of these up x

  3. I really need to try some of Lush's hair masks! I'll have to go in and have a smell as I don't usually like jasmine scents :) xx

    1. It is quite a heavy Jasmine scent so definitely get a sample first, but the results I get it with it are so amazing :) xx

  4. Great post! I love Lush's American Cream it's amazing and smells lush! x

    1. I've just finished up a little bottle of American Cream, love that conditioner, the scent is so nice! x

  5. Have you ever heard or tried Rahua hair care? They are 100% natural. I absolutely adore their conditioner. It can be used in three ways, 1) as a normal conditioner you wash out after like 3-5 mins after shampooing. 2) As a leave in conditioner or use a lot and use as a hair mask. 3) Can be used as a styling cream. It based on a rare nut from the amazonian rainforest that a tribe uses. This nut oil penetrates the hair cortex and leaves the hair nourished and with amazing shine.
    It's around £27 but I swear it's the best conditioner I've ever used. It makes black hair so glossy and shiny and looks great when hair is straightened.

    Danny Xx

    1. I did try some sachets of Rahua's Voluminous Shampoo & Conditioner that I got in a beauty box a while ago, though probably not enough to properly try them out. I remember them being OK and I having a great scent. Might have to give them another go :) xx

  6. The Lush one sounds amazing! I've never tried their hair masks before. So picking that up next now! Thanks Evelyn!

    1. Let me know what you think of it Tracy! :)

  7. These products look great :) Interesting to read about the hair treatment from the Glamour magasine since I'm giving away the shampoo in my giveaway !
    Take Care xx

    1. My sister is using the shampoo at the mo so I might have to steal it off her and try it myself at some point :)

  8. Definitely want to try the Lush one! I have the percy and reed mask but I didn't think too much of it, you've encouraged me to dig it back out and give it another chance haha x

    1. Lush one is amazing! When I first tried the Percy & Reed mask I used WAY too much and it was just too heavy for my hair, but I've since read a couple of reviews by other bloggers who suggested using just a tiny bit (like a pea sized amount) and I find that works much better for me so do give that a go x


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