The bag: this was purchased second-hand for a bargain price, originally from Warehouse. It's pretty huge and goes with everything. I'm boring and tend to stick with black for day-to-day.

What's inside?
- Glasses & glasses case
- Handmade notepad (maybe from Etsy? I forget) & two pens. I always carry two pens in case one runs out and they're always black ink ones.
- Two fold-up shopping bags - I try to not use plastic ones anymore.
- Book - always, always try to carry a book with me. I picked this up yesterday because my friend was telling me off for never having read anything by Lovecraft.
- Bottle of water - random fact, I have a serious phobia of choking to death so I panic if I don't have some water with me. I generally buy one bottle and then fill it up with filtered tap water. Trust me, you save a LOT of money and it's much better for the environment.
- Healthy snack - usually a Graze punnet of some sort or an apple/banana. Or maybe a chocolate bar...
- Packet of tissues.
- Keys.
- Girly essentials (see below) - in this cute handmade skull pansies cotton pouch.
- Coin purse and wallet - both vintage, I've had these for years and years. Never buy highstreet wallets, they seem to fall apart in seconds.
- Ipod shuffle - had this for ages too, it still works so why change?
- Notebook that I converted into a diary.
- Sunglasses case - think this was from H&M.
- (not pictured) Mobile phone - forgot to include my ancient and therefore cool, retro BlackBerry, these may have come out in the late 90s. It works and doesn't constantly glitch like everyone else's 'new' phone does. (You can see how I save a lot of money here)

Girly essentials pouch:
- Blotting tissues - my face turns into an oily mess in Summer so these work well. They're the tea tree ones from The Body Shop but do the same job as every other brand I've tried.
- Burts Bees lip balm - probably my all-time favourite lip balm ever.
- Lip gloss - this one's from Barry M and goes on a nice sheer colour.
- Kirby grip & toothpicks.
- Mirror - this was a little gift from a friend, another item that I've had for years.
That's it!
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